I have found that numbers in scientific notation (e.g 9.8E-9) are incorrectly 
sorted or filtered by Galaxy. Looks like the negative exponent is ignored and 
so if you sorting something like P values (see example below) then you find 
these ordered above P=1 instead at the other end of the list where P is near 
zero. In the example below a KEGG list is ordered on column 5 in asending order 
by galaxy. If you scroll to the bottom of the list, however, you will see the 
smallest numbers all of which are in scientific notation. I should note that I 
can can copy this into excel and excel will properly sort scientific notation. 
So this seems to be a specific problem with Galaxy. I found this problem with 
both filtering and sorting functions of Galaxy. 
Doug Cavener

41      0.53    26      1.0     0.0000025       cfa04146=Peroxisome
39      0.53    25      1.0     0.0000038       cfa04640=Hematopoietic cell 
29      0.59    13      1.0     0.0000044       cfa00980=Metabolism of 
xenobiotics by cytochrome P450
22      0.63    10      1.0     0.000016        cfa00140=Steroid hormone 
28      0.56    19      1.0     0.000027        cfa05204=Chemical carcinogenesis
11      0.85    3       1.0     0.000033        cfa00511=Other glycan 
25      0.57    16      1.0     0.000052        cfa00600=Sphingolipid metabolism
9       0.90    2       1.0     0.000074        cfa00740=Riboflavin metabolism
23      0.58    14      1.0     0.000079        cfa00380=Tryptophan metabolism
15      0.68    6       1.0     0.000096        cfa04977=Vitamin digestion and 
22      0.56    17      1.0     0.00017 cfa00071=Fatty acid metabolism
22      0.56    17      1.0     0.00017 cfa05150=Staphylococcus aureus infection
26      0.53    27      1.0     0.00017 cfa00982=Drug metabolism - cytochrome 
49      0.44    42      1.0     0.00018 cfa04142=Lysosome
56      0.42    47      1.0     0.00024 cfa04630=Jak-STAT signaling pathway
34      0.48    35      1.0     0.00026 cfa03320=PPAR signaling pathway
13      0.68    5       1.0     0.00027 cfa00531=Glycosaminoglycan degradation
20      0.56    21      1.0     0.00043 cfa04975=Fat digestion and absorption
22      0.54    24      1.0     0.00043 cfa00830=Retinol metabolism
19      0.56    20      1.0     0.00053 cfa00565=Ether lipid metabolism
14      0.61    11      1.0     0.00092 cfa00591=Linoleic acid metabolism
20      0.53    28      1.0     0.0011  cfa02010=ABC transporters
22      0.50    32      1.0     0.0015  cfa00280=Valine, leucine and isoleucine 
33      0.44    44      1.0     0.0020  cfa04974=Protein digestion and 
15      0.56    21      1.0     0.0022  cfa03440=Homologous recombination
14      0.56    19      1.0     0.0028  cfa00650=Butanoate metabolism
35      0.42    48      1.0     0.0035  cfa05323=Rheumatoid arthritis
16      0.52    31      1.0     0.0043  cfa00350=Tyrosine metabolism
16      0.52    31      1.0     0.0043  cfa05320=Autoimmune thyroid disease
12      0.57    15      1.0     0.0044  cfa00592=alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism
15      0.52    30      1.0     0.0054  cfa00760=Nicotinate and nicotinamide 
21      0.47    39      1.0     0.0054  cfa05144=Malaria
84      0.36    66      1.0     0.0059  cfa04080=Neuroactive ligand-receptor 
16      0.48    33      1.0     0.0091  cfa05143=African trypanosomiasis
12      0.52    29      1.0     0.011   cfa00340=Histidine metabolism
14      0.48    34      0.99    0.015   cfa05330=Allograft rejection
9       0.56    18      1.0     0.015   cfa04614=Renin-angiotensin system
3       1.0     1       1.0     0.021   cfa00780=Biotin metabolism
35      0.38    56      0.99    0.021   cfa00240=Pyrimidine metabolism
15      0.44    43      0.99    0.030   cfa04940=Type I diabetes mellitus
11      0.48    36      0.99    0.032   
cfa00563=Glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI)-anchor biosynthesis
29      0.38    54      0.98    0.032   cfa04512=ECM-receptor interaction
20      0.41    50      0.98    0.034   cfa04622=RIG-I-like receptor signaling 
9       0.50    32      0.99    0.037   cfa00100=Steroid biosynthesis
10      0.48    37      0.99    0.042   cfa04950=Maturity onset diabetes of the 
7       0.54    23      0.99    0.042   cfa03450=Non-homologous end-joining
6       0.55    22      0.99    0.055   cfa00430=Taurine and hypotaurine 
6       0.55    22      0.99    0.055   cfa00790=Folate biosynthesis
22      0.38    58      0.97    0.060   cfa05140=Leishmaniasis
12      0.43    46      0.97    0.062   cfa00512=Mucin type O-Glycan 
3       0.75    4       0.99    0.068   cfa00061=Fatty acid biosynthesis
3       0.75    4       0.99    0.068   cfa00232=Caffeine metabolism
23      0.37    62      0.96    0.070   cfa04115=p53 signaling pathway
29      0.36    64      0.96    0.071   cfa00564=Glycerophospholipid metabolism
8       0.47    38      0.98    0.071   cfa00120=Primary bile acid biosynthesis
20      0.38    59      0.96    0.074   cfa00561=Glycerolipid metabolism
19      0.38    57      0.96    0.076   cfa04612=Antigen processing and 
48      0.34    74      0.95    0.076   cfa05152=Tuberculosis
18      0.38    53      0.96    0.077   cfa00510=N-Glycan biosynthesis
2       1.0     1       1.0     0.077   cfa00290=Valine, leucine and isoleucine 
16      0.39    52      0.96    0.079   cfa00500=Starch and sucrose metabolism
16      0.39    52      0.96    0.079   cfa04621=NOD-like receptor signaling 
12      0.41    49      0.96    0.080   cfa00410=beta-Alanine metabolism
7       0.47    39      0.97    0.093   cfa00604=Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis 
- ganglio series
33      0.34    72      0.94    0.094   cfa05146=Amoebiasis
8       0.44    41      0.96    0.097   cfa00900=Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis
4       0.57    15      0.98    0.099   cfa00460=Cyanoamino acid metabolism
4       0.57    15      0.98    0.099   cfa00750=Vitamin B6 metabolism
12      0.40    51      0.95    0.10    cfa00052=Galactose metabolism
12      0.40    51      0.95    0.10    cfa00983=Drug metabolism - other enzymes
9       0.43    46      0.96    0.10    cfa00040=Pentose and glucuronate 
5       0.50    32      0.97    0.11    cfa04122=Sulfur relay system
26      0.35    70      0.93    0.12    cfa04064=NF-kappa B signaling pathway
10      0.40    51      0.94    0.13    cfa05332=Graft-versus-host disease
17      0.36    63      0.92    0.13    cfa00480=Glutathione metabolism
21      0.35    68      0.92    0.13    cfa05133=Pertussis
7       0.44    45      0.95    0.13    cfa00770=Pantothenate and CoA 
12      0.38    61      0.92    0.15    cfa03410=Base excision repair
21      0.34    71      0.90    0.15    cfa04976=Bile secretion
15      0.36    65      0.90    0.16    cfa04978=Mineral absorption
4       0.50    32      0.96    0.16    cfa00072=Synthesis and degradation of 
ketone bodies
50      0.32    78      0.88    0.16    cfa00230=Purine metabolism
8       0.40    51      0.93    0.16    cfa05310=Asthma
6       0.43    46      0.94    0.17    cfa00603=Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis 
- globo series
2       0.67    8       0.98    0.19    cfa00785=Lipoic acid metabolism
8       0.38    55      0.90    0.20    cfa00062=Fatty acid elongation
8       0.38    55      0.90    0.20    cfa03430=Mismatch repair
11      0.35    67      0.88    0.22    cfa05340=Primary immunodeficiency
12      0.34    73      0.85    0.25    cfa00260=Glycine, serine and threonine 
40      0.31    81      0.81    0.25    cfa04145=Phagosome
42      0.31    82      0.80    0.25    cfa05164=Influenza A
13      0.33    75      0.83    0.27    cfa00970=Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis
1       1.0     1       1.0     0.28    cfa00472=D-Arginine and D-ornithine 
4       0.40    51      0.89    0.29    cfa00130=Ubiquinone and other 
terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis
4       0.40    51      0.89    0.29    cfa00920=Sulfur metabolism
8       0.35    69      0.84    0.29    cfa00630=Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate 
36      0.30    85      0.76    0.30    cfa04514=Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
10      0.33    75      0.81    0.31    cfa00640=Propanoate metabolism
2       0.50    32      0.93    0.31    cfa00730=Thiamine metabolism
7       0.35    68      0.84    0.31    cfa01040=Biosynthesis of unsaturated 
fatty acids
14      0.32    77      0.78    0.32    cfa05134=Legionellosis
44      0.30    86      0.74    0.32    cfa05168=Herpes simplex infection
11      0.32    76      0.79    0.33    cfa00860=Porphyrin and chlorophyll 
12      0.32    79      0.77    0.36    cfa00620=Pyruvate metabolism
31      0.30    87      0.70    0.38    cfa05145=Toxoplasmosis
6       0.33    75      0.79    0.38    cfa00670=One carbon pool by folate
12      0.31    81      0.73    0.39    cfa04672=Intestinal immune network for 
IgA production
12      0.31    81      0.73    0.39    cfa04973=Carbohydrate digestion and 
14      0.30    84      0.72    0.40    cfa00520=Amino sugar and nucleotide 
sugar metabolism
11      0.31    83      0.72    0.41    cfa05219=Bladder cancer
23      0.29    88      0.69    0.41    cfa05222=Small cell lung cancer
8       0.31    81      0.72    0.44    cfa00601=Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis 
- lacto and neolacto series
8       0.31    81      0.72    0.44    cfa04966=Collecting duct acid secretion
5       0.31    80      0.73    0.47    cfa00533=Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis 
- keratan sulfate
1       0.50    32      0.92    0.48    cfa00300=Lysine biosynthesis
10      0.29    89      0.67    0.48    cfa03030=DNA replication
12      0.29    90      0.62    0.51    cfa04930=Type II diabetes mellitus
33      0.28    92      0.57    0.51    cfa04110=Cell cycle
16      0.28    91      0.59    0.53    cfa05416=Viral myocarditis
2       0.33    75      0.79    0.53    cfa00400=Phenylalanine, tyrosine and 
tryptophan biosynthesis
24      0.28    93      0.57    0.53    cfa04972=Pancreatic secretion
5       0.29    89      0.68    0.53    cfa00360=Phenylalanine metabolism
13      0.27    94      0.53    0.59    cfa00310=Lysine degradation
8       0.27    95      0.54    0.62    cfa00250=Alanine, aspartate and 
glutamate metabolism
8       0.27    95      0.54    0.62    cfa00514=Other types of O-glycan 
4       0.27    95      0.59    0.63    cfa00450=Selenocompound metabolism
4       0.27    95      0.59    0.63    cfa01210=2-Oxocarboxylic acid metabolism
11      0.26    97      0.49    0.64    cfa04330=Notch signaling pathway
14      0.26    96      0.49    0.64    cfa00330=Arginine and proline metabolism
4       0.25    100     0.53    0.69    cfa00053=Ascorbate and aldarate 
8       0.25    100     0.45    0.70    cfa00270=Cysteine and methionine 
9       0.25    100     0.44    0.70    cfa04623=Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway
18      0.25    98      0.39    0.71    cfa04210=Apoptosis
5       0.24    107     0.45    0.73    cfa04140=Regulation of autophagy
14      0.24    104     0.33    0.77    cfa00010=Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
7       0.23    111     0.38    0.77    cfa05020=Prion diseases
8       0.24    109     0.37    0.77    cfa00051=Fructose and mannose metabolism
28      0.25    101     0.28    0.79    cfa04380=Osteoclast differentiation
1       0.20    129     0.58    0.80    cfa00524=Butirosin and neomycin 
6       0.22    116     0.35    0.80    cfa05216=Thyroid cancer
31      0.25    102     0.25    0.81    cfa05012=Parkinson's disease
15      0.23    110     0.27    0.82    cfa04920=Adipocytokine signaling pathway
16      0.24    109     0.27    0.82    cfa04350=TGF-beta signaling pathway
23      0.24    105     0.24    0.82    cfa05142=Chagas disease (American 
9       0.22    114     0.29    0.82    cfa03420=Nucleotide excision repair
17      0.23    112     0.24    0.83    cfa05410=Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 
35      0.24    103     0.22    0.83    cfa05202=Transcriptional misregulation 
in cancer
10      0.22    116     0.26    0.84    cfa05014=Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 
13      0.22    115     0.23    0.85    cfa04370=VEGF signaling pathway
26      0.24    108     0.20    0.86    cfa05160=Hepatitis C
31      0.24    106     0.19    0.86    cfa00190=Oxidative phosphorylation
76      0.25    99      0.17    0.86    cfa04151=PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
7       0.21    127     0.24    0.87    cfa04742=Taste transduction
15      0.22    118     0.18    0.88    cfa05218=Melanoma
14      0.22    122     0.17    0.90    cfa05412=Arrhythmogenic right 
ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)
17      0.22    120     0.15    0.90    cfa05414=Dilated cardiomyopathy
4       0.18    140     0.23    0.90    cfa00534=Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis 
- heparan sulfate / heparin
5       0.19    136     0.20    0.90    cfa00030=Pentose phosphate pathway
21      0.22    117     0.13    0.91    cfa04726=Serotonergic synapse
15      0.21    124     0.13    0.92    cfa03008=Ribosome biogenesis in 
4       0.17    145     0.19    0.92    cfa04320=Dorso-ventral axis formation
7       0.19    134     0.16    0.92    cfa04960=Aldosterone-regulated sodium 
22      0.22    121     0.10    0.93    cfa04066=HIF-1 signaling pathway
24      0.22    119     0.11    0.93    cfa04670=Leukocyte transendothelial 
28      0.22    116     0.10    0.93    cfa05161=Hepatitis B
43      0.23    113     0.095   0.93    cfa04144=Endocytosis
14      0.20    128     0.11    0.94    cfa05220=Chronic myeloid leukemia
5       0.17    146     0.15    0.94    cfa04744=Phototransduction
6       0.18    142     0.13    0.94    cfa04130=SNARE interactions in 
vesicular transport
12      0.19    133     0.079   0.96    cfa05211=Renal cell carcinoma
23      0.21    125     0.067   0.96    cfa05162=Measles
4       0.15    154     0.11    0.96    cfa03020=RNA polymerase
10      0.18    141     0.063   0.97    cfa00562=Inositol phosphate metabolism
4       0.14    161     0.079   0.97    cfa04710=Circadian rhythm
10      0.17    146     0.047   0.98    cfa05210=Colorectal cancer
15      0.18    139     0.034   0.98    cfa04914=Progesterone-mediated oocyte 
20      0.19    133     0.028   0.98    cfa04270=Vascular smooth muscle 
40      0.21    123     0.032   0.98    cfa04510=Focal adhesion
8       0.16    150     0.048   0.98    cfa05213=Endometrial cancer
10      0.15    154     0.015   0.99    cfa05212=Pancreatic cancer
10      0.16    149     0.029   0.99    cfa04260=Cardiac muscle contraction
10      0.16    153     0.021   0.99    cfa05214=Glioma
13      0.16    151     0.012   0.99    cfa05215=Prostate cancer
14      0.17    148     0.016   0.99    cfa04012=ErbB signaling pathway
14      0.18    144     0.025   0.99    cfa04620=Toll-like receptor signaling 
15      0.17    146     0.017   0.99    cfa04650=Natural killer cell mediated 
17      0.18    143     0.014   0.99    cfa04114=Oocyte meiosis
24      0.18    137     0.010   0.99    cfa04910=Insulin signaling pathway
32      0.20    130     0.015   0.99    cfa05010=Alzheimer's disease
33      0.20    131     0.010   0.99    cfa05016=Huntington's disease
8       0.15    158     0.020   0.99    cfa04730=Long-term depression
9       0.15    157     0.016   0.99    cfa03018=RNA degradation
9       0.15    157     0.016   0.99    cfa04664=Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway
0       0.0     204     0.38    1.0     cfa00471=D-Glutamine and D-glutamate 
1       0.036   201     0.0014  1.0     cfa00020=Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)
1       0.045   198     0.0076  1.0     cfa03060=Protein export
1       0.053   196     0.018   1.0     cfa04964=Proximal tubule bicarbonate 
1       0.059   194     0.030   1.0     cfa00532=Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis 
- chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulfate
10      0.13    171     0.0017  1.0     cfa04912=GnRH signaling pathway
10      0.13    172     0.0014  1.0     cfa04070=Phosphatidylinositol signaling 
10      0.14    163     0.0053  1.0     cfa05100=Bacterial invasion of 
epithelial cells
11      0.087   186     1.6E-7  1.0     cfa04310=Wnt signaling pathway
11      0.13    170     0.0012  1.0     cfa04666=Fc gamma R-mediated 
11      0.15    156     0.0087  1.0     cfa04970=Salivary secretion
13      0.083   187     1.9E-9  1.0     cfa05034=Alcoholism
13      0.13    167     0.00067 1.0     cfa04660=T cell receptor signaling 
15      0.12    173     0.000058        1.0     cfa04360=Axon guidance
15      0.12    173     0.000058        1.0     cfa04530=Tight junction
15      0.12    175     0.000010        1.0     cfa04390=Hippo signaling pathway
15      0.14    164     0.00065 1.0     cfa04722=Neurotrophin signaling pathway
18      0.13    169     0.000042        1.0     cfa03010=Ribosome
18      0.14    165     0.00015 1.0     cfa04120=Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis
18      0.16    152     0.0035  1.0     cfa05322=Systemic lupus erythematosus
2       0.016   203     8.1E-15 1.0     cfa03040=Spliceosome
2       0.028   202     3.3E-8  1.0     cfa03015=mRNA surveillance pathway
26      0.19    135     0.0088  1.0     cfa03013=RNA transport
27      0.15    159     0.000019        1.0     cfa05203=Viral carcinogenesis
28      0.17    145     0.0018  1.0     cfa04141=Protein processing in 
endoplasmic reticulum
28      0.17    148     0.00087 1.0     cfa04062=Chemokine signaling pathway
29      0.17    147     0.00094 1.0     cfa05169=Epstein-Barr virus infection
3       0.038   200     5.6E-8  1.0     cfa04727=GABAergic synapse
3       0.052   197     0.000014        1.0     cfa04720=Long-term potentiation
3       0.067   189     0.00045 1.0     cfa04961=Endocrine and other 
factor-regulated calcium reabsorption
3       0.070   188     0.00076 1.0     cfa04962=Vasopressin-regulated water 
3       0.091   184     0.0090  1.0     cfa05033=Nicotine addiction
30      0.15    155     0.000038        1.0     cfa04810=Regulation of actin 
31      0.18    138     0.0040  1.0     cfa04020=Calcium signaling pathway
34      0.14    160     0.0000011       1.0     cfa04010=MAPK signaling pathway
4       0.061   192     0.000010        1.0     cfa04971=Gastric acid secretion
4       0.098   182     0.0050  1.0     cfa03022=Basal transcription factors
46      0.19    132     0.0017  1.0     cfa05166=HTLV-I infection
5       0.043   199     6.9E-11 1.0     cfa04728=Dopaminergic synapse
5       0.056   195     1.4E-7  1.0     cfa04723=Retrograde endocannabinoid 
5       0.062   190     0.0000011       1.0     cfa04540=Gap junction
5       0.11    177     0.0082  1.0     cfa05030=Cocaine addiction
5       0.11    180     0.0066  1.0     cfa03050=Proteasome
5       0.12    175     0.010   1.0     cfa04340=Hedgehog signaling pathway
6       0.059   193     3.4E-8  1.0     cfa04725=Cholinergic synapse
6       0.061   191     7.4E-8  1.0     cfa04724=Glutamatergic synapse
6       0.10    181     0.0012  1.0     cfa05031=Amphetamine addiction
6       0.12    174     0.0084  1.0     cfa05217=Basal cell carcinoma
6       0.12    176     0.0045  1.0     cfa05223=Non-small cell lung cancer
62      0.21    126     0.0038  1.0     cfa05200=Pathways in cancer
66      0.14    162     1.1E-11 1.0     cfa04740=Olfactory transduction
7       0.11    178     0.0016  1.0     cfa04520=Adherens junction
7       0.13    166     0.012   1.0     cfa05221=Acute myeloid leukemia
8       0.090   185     0.000014        1.0     cfa04713=Circadian entrainment
8       0.090   185     0.000014        1.0     cfa04916=Melanogenesis
8       0.095   183     0.000044        1.0     cfa05032=Morphine addiction
8       0.11    179     0.00075 1.0     cfa05132=Salmonella infection
8       0.13    168     0.0068  1.0     cfa04150=mTOR signaling pathway
8       0.13    168     0.0068  1.0     cfa04721=Synaptic vesicle cycle
9       0.14    161     0.0095  1.0     cfa04662=B cell receptor signaling 
32      0.68    7       1.0     1.2E-8  cfa03460=Fanconi anemia pathway
34      0.64    9       1.0     4.2E-8  cfa00590=Arachidonic acid metabolism
85      0.45    40      1.0     4.9E-7  cfa04060=Cytokine-cytokine receptor 
34      0.60    12      1.0     5.3E-7  cfa04610=Complement and coagulation 
408     0.38    60      1.0     8.6E-11 cfa01100=Metabolic pathways


Douglas R. Cavener
Professor and Head
Department of Biology
110 Life Science Building
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

(814) 865-4562     Dept Office
(814) 865-9790 Lab Office
(814) 865-9131  Fax

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