I have installed an galaxy instance for purpose testing on a 8 CPU server without problem all run perfectly. I have made some galaxy xml wrapper to understant how galaxy calls program and other little things.

  Now I want to install a Galaxy server with a cluster configuration.

Before I have tested HTCondor but I have no Idea how I can mix Galaxy and HTCondor.

  The perfect thing was somebody have already tested this type of condor.

  But I can satisfy myself with any other cluster type.

What I don't understant in fact ( maybe my worst problem ) where lie all parts of this puzzle.

 I explain.

I know that I need Galaxy. I know too I need a cluster ( in my case HTCondor ) I understand I need something between these 2 parts ... I think something like PBS or SGE but it's not totaly clear for me

I'm search on galaxy mailling list archive ... but I just found 2 mails in 2008 :(

has anybody made this conf or have a configuration ?


PS : sorry for my poor english :)
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