Hi Kanwar,

We are unable to provide support for the tools at Galaxy. I see you have copied them on your email, so you will probably hear from them soon.

If you have further questions regarding the Genome Browser, please contact us again at gen...@soe.ucsc.edu.

Brooke Rhead
UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group

On 7/20/12 3:31 PM, shamsher jagat wrote:
I am interested in getting regions flanking TSS, I am using Glaxaxy and
have downloaded TSS sites using
this post steps

Now what I would like to do is to get 5000 bp upstream an
downstream using flank tool in galaxy, but i realize it only gave me option
for gene start or whole gene.
Is it possible to extract 5000 bp upstream and downstream regions across
tss start site . Once I have that then I want to find non overlaping genes
in my regions from chipseq data.


Genome maillist  -  gen...@soe.ucsc.edu

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