Thanks-found it!  We have a lot of data, but are trying to convert some data to 
BED format, and I think that this will help.

On Apr 10, 2014, at 7:50 PM, Jennifer Jackson wrote:

Hi Brenda,

The examples below are labeled by the tool/user interface location where the 
two menus are located. Which tool are you using under "Get Data"? Perhaps "UCSC 

Any tool other than "Upload File" accesses an external data source and the 
available data can vary. It is important to know that the data content included 
on externally hosted sites is managed by that sites owners. If you are using 
"Get Data -> UCSC Main", then you are correct in that they do not provide data 
for this genome, just the ones you list.

When you do locate data for this species that you wish you use (try searching 
for "Tribolium castaneum" with the tool " EBI SRA ENA SRA"), and import it, the 
Galaxy locally cached reference genome for Tcas_3.0 is available with several, 
but not all, mapping tools. It is likely to be added to Bowtie2/Tophat2 
sometime in the future.


Galaxy team

On 4/10/14 2:27 PM, Brenda Oppert wrote:

Hi Jen,

When I go to "get data" and I put "insect" the only pull downs are some 
Drosophila and Anopheles spp. Is it somewhere else?



From: Jennifer Jackson <><>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 4:18 PM
To: Brenda Oppert;<>
Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Add Tribolium genome

Hello Brenda,

Are you working at<>? I just checked 
and it is still there. Please give this another look.


Galaxy team

On "Get Data -> Upload File" tool:
<Mail Attachment.png>

Under "Edit Attributes" (found by clicking on a dataset's pencil icon):
<Mail Attachment.png>

On 4/10/14 11:06 AM, Brenda Oppert wrote:

I thought that the genome sequence for Tribolium castaneum (Tcas3.0) was in the 
genome pull-down, but I don't see it.  Can it be added?


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