Hello Rick,

Welcome back :)

Thanks for the suggestions! Making it easier for users to locate data is important. I'll pass these on to our genome database guru (Kelly) for consideration.

Best wishes and let us know if you need help or have other observations/suggestions. All feedback is appreciated,


Galaxy team

On 4/20/11 1:16 PM, Rick Westerman wrote:
    Hello all.  I am re-exploring Galaxy after a year hiatus.  While I searched 
the archives to no avail it is possible that my question/complaint was already 
answered.  If so, please ignore.

    I find the placement of Mouse-ear Cress (arabidopsis) in the 'select a 
reference genome' list to be strange.  It appears that the list is sorted by 
scientific name first and then by name.  However this does not seem to be true 
in the case of arabidopsis thaliana but is true for arabidopsis lyrata.   
Granted the auto-complete feature (e.g., when I start typing 'ara...' then the 
selection list is narrowed) helps in finding A. thaliana however, especially 
for an organism beginning with 'a' the misplacement of A. thaliana (in my 
opinion) is striking.

    On a side note, I find the drop down for the reference genome to be too 
small (in terms of width in particular).  I have to view and scroll through a 
lot of two or three line entries but if the width was larger then it would be 
possible to see more entries at one time.

Jennifer Jackson
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