Hello Jörg,

We can add your genome to the list to be prioritized for inclusion, but the quickest way to use this data in Galaxy is with the "custom genome" option.

Instructions are in our wiki (below), but there are really only two short steps:
1 - load the fasta record into your history
2 - select the reference genome from your history's list of
    fasta datasets (instead of the pull-down native builds list)


Hopefully this helps to get your analysis going!

Galaxy team

On 8/9/12 4:28 AM, Joerg Willenborg wrote:
Dear Sir or Madam,

with interest I followed up your Galaxy platform and I am planing a
Bowtie mapping with RNA-Seq data. Unfortunately the reference genome
I am looking for is not included in the drop down menu. Do you think it is
possible to add the Streptococcus suis P1/7 (NC_012925.1) genome to
the menu?

I would appreciate any reply on this email and thank you very much in advance

Kind regards

Jörg Willenborg

Joerg Willenborg, PhD
Institute of Microbiology
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Bischofsholer Damm 15
D-30173 Hannover
Tel: +49511-8567595
e-mail: joerg.willenb...@tiho-hannover.de

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