Hello ET,

Started job will be in the queue - it is important to not stop and restart. You want to leave them in the grey state while they wait their turn to run.

Galaxy has been under a very high NGS tool load for about a week, and even though we have substantial resources dedicated to supporting analysis on the public server, this has led to progressively longer delays. Everyone has to wait when running jobs on the public instance (even the Galaxy team!).

We are closely monitoring the recent surge in activity to ensure that everyone has fair access on the main public instance.

If you or anyone reading this post is in a rush, a cloud instance would be recommended: http://usegalaxy.org/cloud

Thanks for asking - checking in is always OK,


Galaxy team

On 4/26/12 11:29 AM, Eirini Trompouki wrote:
I started a series of bowtie runs yesterday but nothing has happened. i
tried rerunning them but still nothing. is anyone else having this problem?


Jennifer Jackson
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