Hello Sebahattin,

It may be that the data is too large to run on the Galaxy public instance, which means that a local or cloud instance would be the next recommendation, as explained in this wiki:

But, before you make the investment of moving you analysis, I'd like to offer to double check to see if there are any tool use modifications that will allow the job to process given the resources available on Main.

What I will need is for you to send in a tool error report by clicking on the "green bug" icon in the red error dataset. Please include this email address in the comments if it is not the one you also use with your galaxy account, so that I can link the two questions. If the tool just gave an empty set, but not an actual error, then use "Options -> Share or Publish", generate the share link, copy that and email it back to me directly. Please note the problem datasets if not obvious and leave all inputs and errors in an undeleted state (please undelete if necessary) so that I can examine the entire data path that lead up to the error.

If you want to try to troubleshoot on your own as well, some general advice is in this part of the Support wiki:

Hopefully we can work out a solution,


Galaxy team

On 2/14/12 4:11 AM, Sebahattin Cirak wrote:
Dear All,

I have been successful by using the online tool to align Illumina pair
end reads , each direction 5GB, and also generated a pileup of
680,000,000 lines,
but the filtering of the pileup always fails, it runs for several hours
and I get an empty file back. I tried different options and different
pileups, always the same.
Could somebody please help or what is the trick?

Thank you

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Jennifer Jackson
The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
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