Title: #1103: Added interface to enter transactions.
Commit from lpelecq 2004-12-08 00:39 CET
#1103: Added interface to enter transactions.
Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_adherent.php 1.46 >>> 1.47
galette ajouter_contribution.php 1.20 >>> 1.21
+ galette ajouter_transaction.php 1.1
+ galette gestion_transactions.php 1.1
galette includes/functions.inc.php 1.23 >>> 1.24
galette install/sql/mysql.sql 1.18 >>> 1.19
galette install/sql/pgsql.sql 1.20 >>> 1.21
galette install/sql/upgrade-to-0.63-mysql.sql 1.15 >>> 1.16
galette install/sql/upgrade-to-0.63-pgsql.sql 1.14 >>> 1.15
galette templates/default/ajouter_contribution.tpl 1.7 >>> 1.8
+ galette templates/default/ajouter_transaction.tpl 1.1
galette templates/default/gestion_contributions.tpl 1.7 >>> 1.8
+ galette templates/default/gestion_transactions.tpl 1.1
galette templates/default/page.tpl 1.5 >>> 1.6


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