
Xa traducín algunhas partes do que enviei e xa o remitín. Miña
intención e deixar o bug resolto canto antes, xa que ten prioridade

> Upgrade Now to the new Thunderbird 3.1!
Anove agora á nova versión de Thunderbird 3.1!

> Easier to Upgrade
> Easier to Upgrade
> It's easier to upgrade to Thunderbird 3.1 from older versions of
> Thunderbird and other email clients like Outlook, Outlook Express, or
> Windows Mail.
> Our new Migration Assistant will help you set up Thunderbird the way
> you want it. And our import tools help you bring your emails, address
> books, and settings from your older email program to Thunderbird 3.1.
> Learn More
> Non atopei a de galego, por agora.
> ---------------
> Quick Filter Toolbar
> The new Quick Filter Toolbar lets you filter your email faster. Start
> typing in words in the Quick Filter search box and the results are
> displayed instantly.  Or you can filter your email by New Messages,
> Tags, and people in your Address Book. You can also "Pin" or save a
> Filter and use it across multiple folders.

Non atopei a de galego por agora.


> Upgrade Now!
Anove agora!
> Upgrade to Thunderbird 3.1
Anove ao Thunderbird 3.1
> Now with Tabs, Better Search, and more.
Agora con separadores, mellor busca e moito máis.
> It's Easier to Upgrade. It's Free.
Máis fácil de anovar. De balde.
> Faster than Thunderbird 2.";
Máis rápido que o Thunderbird 2.

> Welcome to Thunderbird!
Benvida ao Thunderbird!
> Mozilla’s Thunderbird is all yours - your language, your add-ons, your 
> email.
Mozilla Thunderbird: vostede decide - o seu idioma, os seus
complementos, o seu correo electrónico.
> Need help setting up or using Thunderbird?
Precisa axuda para configurar ou usar Thunderbird?
> Sending and Receiving Emails
Enviar e recibir correos electrónicos
> Setting up your Email Account
Configurar a súa conta de correo
> For other frequently asked questions, tips and more help, visit <a
> href="";>Thunderbird Help Center
Para preguntas frecuentes, trucos e axuda xeral, visite <a
href="";>Centro de axuda de
> For the latest product information, visit the <a
> href="<?=$lang?>/thunderbird/">Thunderbird
> Home Page
Para obter a información mais actualizada sobre o produto, visite a <a
de inicio do Thunderbird

> What’s New in Thunderbird
> Thanks for choosing Thunderbird 3.1
> What's New in Thunderbird 3.1
> We hope you enjoy the new features in Thunderbird. We have new search
> tools, tabbed email, message archiving, and hundreds of add-ons to
> make Thunderbird 3.1 all yours.
> Easier to Upgrade with New Migration Assistant
> Under the Help Menu, select the Migration Assistant to help you change
> your Toolbar layout and add features like Compact Header and Advanced
> Folder Columns.
> Better Search with New Search Tools
> The new Quick Filter Toolbar lets you filter your email faster. Filter
> your email by New Messages, Tags, people in your Address Book, or
> using search terms. You can also &quot;Pin&quot; or save a Filter and
> use it across multiple folders.
> Type in your search term in the Global Search Bar and we will open
> your search results in a new tab. You can pinpoint what you're looking
> for with Thunderbird's filtering and timeline tools.
> Tabbed Email
> If you like Firefox’s tabbed browsing, you’re going to love tabbed
> email. Double-click or hit enter on a mail message to open messages in
> a new tab window. You can right-click on messages or folders to open
> them in a tab background.
> Message Archiving
> Clicking the Archive button or the ‘A’ key will archive your email.
> Archiving mail moves email from your inbox into the new archive folder
> system.
> More New Features to Explore:
> One-click Address Book
> Attachment Reminder
> Unified Folders
> Activity Manager
> Hundreds of new Add-ons to try
> For additional product information, visit the <a
> href="/thunderbird/">Thunderbird Home Page
> ------------


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