Queqo, eu diciao para que a xente colaborar informando de erros, é dicir,
"sacarnos traballo" de enriba. Digo o da nota que a fagades vós porque me
parece máis normal, eu estou desvinculado do proxecto. Non sei, pensade algo
rápido "o equipo de mozilla precisa de colaboración..."

@ifrit pona alí tm, si :)

El 23 de junio de 2010 18:08, Enrique Estévez Fernández
<keko.gl en gmail.com>escribió:

> Ola.
> Eu non vou sacar nova ningunha. Non teño tempo e xa avisei na lista de
> mozdev. Paréceme interesante pero eu a día de hoxe non dou a basto co
> que teño. E como xa dixen, é algo serio, no que hai que traballar e
> cumprir prazos.
> Por agora meu obxectivo é familiarizarme coa forma de traballo de
> mozilla. Xa comezo a xestionar eu so os bug relacionados coa páxinas
> web e sobre todo co svn. Agora teño que avanzar coa tradución da
> interface e co traballo co mercurial, pero aínda estou pendente de que
> me creen unha conta de mercurila, pero xa teño o bug aberto.
> Así que, paso a paso, vou andando camiño e a ver se chego para o
> lanzamento da versión 3.1 do Thunderbird en galego.
> Saúdos.
> El día 23 de junio de 2010 17:29, ifrit <ifrit en sonche.eu> escribió:
> >
> >
> > 2010/6/23 Miguel Branco <mgl.branco en gmail.com>
> >>
> >> Podo sacar un anuncio en trasno.net para que a xente en xeral colabore,
> se
> >> vos parece ben. Redactade unha notiña e póñoa.
> >
> > Avisa cando a poñas e a poño tamén no foro de G11N (a ver se non está
> > morto...)
> >
> >>
> >> El 23 de junio de 2010 13:26, ifrit <ifrit en sonche.eu> escribió:
> >>>
> >>> Eu nunca probo as betas, que non me furrulan os complementos e non podo
> >>> vivir sen eles :D
> >>>
> >>> 2010/6/23 Enrique Estévez Fernández <eu en keko.me>
> >>>>
> >>>> Boas.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cópiovos o correo que me envían desde mozilla para participar con
> >>>> feedback nas betas do Firefox 4. Como o vedes? Eu non vou a ter tempo
> >>>> e meu inglés non dá para tanto. Se alguen quere participar, que avise
> >>>> e miramos como xestionalo, pero que sepa que isto require un
> >>>> compromiso e traballo.
> >>>>
> >>>> Dear Mozilla Contributor,
> >>>>
> >>>> You are receiving this message because you're one of the Mozilla local
> >>>> community leaders contributing to the Firefox project.
> >>>>
> >>>> As you may know, Mozilla is working hard on Firefox 4 and we have very
> >>>> high expectations for the release. The core themes of Firefox are
> speed,
> >>>> empowerment and user control.
> >>>> We're improving a lot of aspects of Firefox to reach this goal, and we
> >>>> want to involve our community more directly than ever in the
> development
> >>>> process.
> >>>>
> >>>> To do this, we are launching a new and improved beta program that's
> all
> >>>> about getting user feedback and implementing that feedback as
> necessary
> >>>> to make the best Firefox 4 we can.
> >>>>
> >>>> We are targeting a much more diverse group of users, both in type and
> >>>> amount.  To give you some context, we usually have around 1M users
> >>>> before an official product launch.
> >>>> This time around, we want to bring more mainstream users into the beta
> >>>> program much, much earlier.  We also want to get somewhere between 2-4
> >>>> Million users before the official Firefox 4 launch.
> >>>>
> >>>> Because you represent Mozilla in your locale, we hope that you (or
> >>>> someone from your team) will volunteer to be the Firefox 4 beta
> feedback
> >>>> ambassador. What that means is that we would like your help gathering
> >>>> web users from your region, opening up specific Firefox 4 beta forums
> on
> >>>> your community web site, gathering a relevant feedback (for example,
> >>>> Firefox 4 does not work with a popular site in your locale or, Feature
> X
> >>>> is hard to discover/use for our users) and reporting back translated
> >>>> concerns to the Firefox 4 team.
> >>>>
> >>>> What to Expect
> >>>> If you want to volunteer, please let Laura Mesa (CC'ed), one of the
> >>>> Product Marketing Managers for Firefox, know.
> >>>> She will add you to a Feedback list email list.  With every beta
> >>>> release, she will send you a list of questions/issues that the Product
> >>>> Team would like to know about. She will then ask you to ask those
> >>>> questions to your community members in any central hub of your choice
> >>>> (your local community forum, web oriented newsgroup, your blog, social
> >>>> network) and moderate feedback discussion. Ultimately we'd like to ask
> >>>> you to gather the summary and key points from the discussion and
> provide
> >>>> us short summary of the feedback which we will append to other
> feedback
> >>>> results we get. .
> >>>>
> >>>> We hope to run this cycle of feedback with each beta and are expecting
> >>>> between 4 and 5 betas, each cycle lasting 2-3 weeks.
> >>>>
> >>>> The program is fully voluntary and it is not part of the Firefox 4
> >>>> release process, so feel free to skip it if you don't think you have
> the
> >>>> resources to lead it.
> >>>>
> >>>> Once again, if you do want to participate, please confirm with myself
> >>>> and Laura Mesa and we will add your team/email to our list.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thank you!
> >>>> gandalf & laura
> >>>> --
> >>>>
> >>>> Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org)
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> Galician mailing list
> >>>> Galician en mozdev.org
> >>>> https://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/galician
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> ====================
> >>> Visit our cinema weblog: http://cinemafriki.blogaliza.org
> >>> Visit our blog of fast food of the world:
> >>> http://capitulocerdo.blogaliza.org
> >>> Visit my personal weblog: http://ifrit.blogaliza.org
> >>> Visit my Street Art weblog: http://scqstreetart.blogaliza.org
> >>> ====================
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Galician mailing list
> >>> Galician en mozdev.org
> >>> https://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/galician
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Galician mailing list
> >> Galician en mozdev.org
> >> https://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/galician
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ====================
> > Visit our cinema weblog: http://cinemafriki.blogaliza.org
> > Visit our blog of fast food of the world:
> http://capitulocerdo.blogaliza.org
> > Visit my personal weblog: http://ifrit.blogaliza.org
> > Visit my Street Art weblog: http://scqstreetart.blogaliza.org
> > ====================
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Galician mailing list
> > Galician en mozdev.org
> > https://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/galician
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Galician mailing list
> Galician en mozdev.org
> https://www.mozdev.org/mailman/listinfo/galician
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