Ola a todos.

Ante o inminente lanzamento do novo Thunderbird, sacaron e
actualizaron páxinas web do mesmo para traducir. Vou copiando textos e
onde podedes comprobar:

Upgrade Now to the new Thunderbird 3.1! <a
href="/<?=$lang?>/thunderbird/" class="more">Learn more.</a>


Easier to Upgrade

Easier to Upgrade
It's easier to upgrade to Thunderbird 3.1 from older versions of
Thunderbird and other email clients like Outlook, Outlook Express, or
Windows Mail.
Our new Migration Assistant will help you set up Thunderbird the way
you want it. And our import tools help you bring your emails, address
books, and settings from your older email program to Thunderbird 3.1.
Learn More

Non atopei a de galego, por agora.

Quick Filter Toolbar
The new Quick Filter Toolbar lets you filter your email faster. Start
typing in words in the Quick Filter search box and the results are
displayed instantly.  Or you can filter your email by New Messages,
Tags, and people in your Address Book. You can also "Pin" or save a
Filter and use it across multiple folders.

Non atopei a de galego por agora.

Upgrade Now!
Upgrade to Thunderbird 3.1
Now with Tabs, Better Search, and more.
It's Easier to Upgrade. It's Free.
Faster than Thunderbird 2.";


Welcome to Thunderbird!
Mozilla’s Thunderbird is all yours - your language, your add-ons, your email.
Need help setting up or using Thunderbird?
Sending and Receiving Emails
Setting up your Email Account
For other frequently asked questions, tips and more help, visit <a
href="http://support.mozillamessaging.com";>Thunderbird Help Center
For the latest product information, visit the <a
Home Page


What’s New in Thunderbird
Thanks for choosing Thunderbird 3.1
What's New in Thunderbird 3.1

We hope you enjoy the new features in Thunderbird. We have new search
tools, tabbed email, message archiving, and hundreds of add-ons to
make Thunderbird 3.1 all yours.
Easier to Upgrade with New Migration Assistant  
Under the Help Menu, select the Migration Assistant to help you change
your Toolbar layout and add features like Compact Header and Advanced
Folder Columns.
Better Search with New Search Tools
The new Quick Filter Toolbar lets you filter your email faster. Filter
your email by New Messages, Tags, people in your Address Book, or
using search terms. You can also &quot;Pin&quot; or save a Filter and
use it across multiple folders.
Type in your search term in the Global Search Bar and we will open
your search results in a new tab. You can pinpoint what you're looking
for with Thunderbird's filtering and timeline tools.
Tabbed Email
If you like Firefox’s tabbed browsing, you’re going to love tabbed
email. Double-click or hit enter on a mail message to open messages in
a new tab window. You can right-click on messages or folders to open
them in a tab background.
Message Archiving

Clicking the Archive button or the ‘A’ key will archive your email.
Archiving mail moves email from your inbox into the new archive folder
More New Features to Explore:

One-click Address Book
Attachment Reminder
Unified Folders
Activity Manager
Hundreds of new Add-ons to try
For additional product information, visit the <a
href="/thunderbird/">Thunderbird Home Page


Son urxentes, xa que son para o lanzamento da nova versión de
Thunderbird. É un bug de prioridade alta. O que aportes na tradución
irá, senón traducirei eu como vexa para solucionar o bug. Sería bo
facer como fixemos da outra vez. Que un comece e entre todos buscar
unha tradución consensuada. Senón irá a única que haxa ou a criterio
do coordinador.


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