Copio e pego a seguinte nova de AGNIX que fai referencia ? traduci?n ao 
galego dos produtos Mozilla:

Segundo diversas fontes, entre outras Vieiros [1] e El Pa?s [2], o 
co-fundador de Mozilla Europa [3] nomeadamente Tristan Nitot, explica en 
Barcelona por que non hai a?nda unha traduci?n oficial do navegador na 
nosa lingua.

Na xornada inaugural do Bdigital Global Congress [4] interviu o propio 
Tristan Nitot [5] para analizar a traxectoria e as caracter?sticas do 
proxecto que pariu, entre outros, o navegador Firefox e o cliente de 
correo Thunderbird.
Ademais de presentar a pr?xima versi?n do Firefox, a 3.0, que sair? en 
xu?o, Nitot tivo unhas palabras para os desenvolvedores e os voluntarios 
que traducen o software. Neste aspecto, o galego non saiu ben parado:

"Hai unha versi?n en catal?n de Firefox constru?da por voluntarios aos 
que lles importa o seu idioma, ao igual que a hai en ?uscaro. Pero a?nda 
non hai unha versi?n en Galiza.
Moitas veces preg?ntanmo e a mi?a resposta ? que se ningu?n de Galiza se 
presenta, non haber? unha versi?n en galego. Estamos dispostos a que a 
xente traballe connosco".

A ra?z deste feitos, Suso Baleato, en calidade de Coordenador de [6], v?n de enviar ? lista de correo de galeguizaci?n G11n 
[7] (G11n: numer?nimo de galeguizaci?n) o correo-e remitido a Tristan 
cuxa transcrici?n [8] ? a seguinte:
Hi Tristan:

I'm writing you as the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia's Free
Software Reference and Services Center, after receiving a bunch of angry
messages against your hard comments on the support of Galician language
in Firefox 3: 

With your comments on the press, you are sugesting that: Galician
localization community does not want/ it is not capable of having Firefox
in galician language. Happily, that is not true. Unfortunately, people
here is feeling like beeing under an attack from the Mozilla Foundation.

We have a strong localization community here at Galiza. They were
providing localized software to our own language since 1996 in both a
volunteer and professional way. Since 2005 they even acquired the support
of the Galician Government in their effort, managing to localize a large
variety of projects from entire desktops like GNOME, office software like or more specific software like Typo3 or OpenBravo. Just as
a show of the interest of the galician society, we registered at Mancom?n
more than 100.000 downloads and more than 30.000 distributed CD and DVD of
free software localized to galician language in the last year. You can
reach some of that software here: [10]

Having Firefox localized to galician language by volunteers will be a nice
thing, but it will not be possible if the Mozilla Foundation continues
putting the blame on the Galician localization community... when you are
rejecting their contributions same time. You might understand that
attacking and damaging people is not a good way to motivate them, even
when working with a so motivated community as the galician one.

If this public Center can help to solve that disfunctional situation in
order to have Firefox 3 available in Galician language, simply tell us
and we will try to manage. Anyway: you might consideer that we will not do
anything in the field of Free Software against the will of the Galician
localization community. Attacking them will definitely not help.

? de esperar que todo quede nunha falta de entendemento provisional ou 
erro anunciado [11] e a soluci?n inmediata sexa a r?pida resposta de Tritan.

asennadas [12]


Frco. Javier Rial Rodr?guez - Centro de Referencia e Servizos de Software Libre de Galicia
mancomun at

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