
if you go to 
  You'll find that the first of the new Eamon deluxe adventures has been 
released as a demo. 

This is a short hack through a dungeon fighting off some ogre smugglers (for a 
full review by yours truly see the above link), and is just meant to show off 
the system and give you an idea of what Eamon is like. 
You'll need a 32 bit windows system such as xp for this, sinse the Eamon deluxe 
is obviously a system written in basic, and thus uses the command window, so 
won't run on 64 bit machines without using dosbox which is inaccessible to 
screen readers. Unfortunately, though we've looked at several alternatives over 
the course of testing, we haven't found a way around this problem as yet. 

if however you can run it, it's certainly worth a play, and the demo adventure 
should give some idea about what else is on offer (albeit that it's a fairly 
simple outing compared to some Eamons). 

Lots of screen reader compatibility has been added, and it's been tested with 
hal, Jaws, window eyes and nvda, though you may need a review curser to read 
the screen. 

Get the demo adventure at 

For those who don't know, Eamon was a system of textual rpgs mostly written in 
the 1980's (though there are still games written in it to this day), for the 
Apple Ii computers. 

They were different from standard interactive fiction in that the parza was far 
simpler and so lead to much less frustrating puzzles, with for instance one 
command for getting items rather than several, ---- though some Eamon 
adventures certainly did! have their share of puzzles). 

The two big differences betwene Eamon and standard interactive fiction systems 
such as Zcode, are that Eamon features D&D like stats and turn based combat, 
with experience and weapon wielding, and the fact that you carry on the same 
character through multiple adventures. Even the treasure you find in your 
adventuring has a point, sinse after each adventure you sell your loot and 
return to the main hall of the Eamon guild of Free adventurers, where you can 
use your money to buy better weapons, armour, spells and stat upgrades for your 
character, thus making even fairly short dungeon treasure grabbing runs (such 
as the Demo adventure above), serve something more of a point. 

I must admit I rather enjoy the system myself, and though some adventures are 
dire, ---- as indeed is the way with anything with multiple authors, some are 
truly fantastic, and indeed I'll confess to even quite enjoying the dungeon 
hacks! :D.

Hope people like this one and are looking forward to the full Eamon deluxe 
release as much as I am.. 

Beware the Grue! 

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