Hi Che.

Appologies for the name mess up, I do actually know how your name is spealt that was just a slip of the fingers. Interestingly enough, Scansoft Daniel actually pronounces it correctly as well.

I could actually imagine a racing game like RR on Ios working extremely well. Since it already uses the analogue control method with the mouse and that is something which the Iphone with gyroscope is good at. For example, I can imagine you steering by moving the phone left and right and breaking by pulling the phone quickly backwards. Accellerating you could do with a swipe up the screen, and gear shifting might work with a swipe left and right, heck you could even jump by angling your phone upwards.

There would be some complexity in where you placed other buttons on the touch screen for activating nitros etc, however you could always use the corners or left and right middle which are perfectly easy to find for anyone as Papasangre does.

As to extra content purchiceable within an ap, well I personally see `it as soemthing that could be used in many sorts of games, not either.just Rpgs and strategies.

In a racing game for example, Lets say you released an Ios racing game which initially came with 50 tracks for 10 usd. You could then sell packs of additional 20 tracks for 2.5 usd each, as well as selling say tournaments or other content. You could even make this an in game currency, say everytime the player won a race he/she got a race point. Your pack of extra tracks could cost 1000 race points, which you could buy within the ap for $2.5, or earn by racing a lot.

Of course, if used badly this system can be down right frustrating. I find it rather irritating for example to find a game where basically your forced to pay to improve, especially where there is extensive pvp and the paying players will always do in non payng players without a chance. Say an rpg where the default weapons in the game do a max of 10 damage, but where you need to donate for the donator currency to get weapons of 20 or 30 damage. Then again as a game like Solara shows the system can actually work rather nicely when done right.

I particularly like it as a way to have basically extra levels, stages or things to do in the game released progressively, indeed Star traders we have been discussing has a mode like this.

All the best,


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