Greetings gamers,
USA games Interactive would like to announce the immediate release of
Mysteries of the Ancients beta 15.This new release addresses a number
of problems and issues  found in the previous Linux and Windows
versions of the beta.

What's New

* Fixed the problem where some sound files fail to Load on some Linux
* Asigned walk left/right to left and right arrow.
* Asigned run left/right to shift+left/shift+right arrow.
* Rewrote keyboard input handling to use the SFML input system rather
than the SFML event system.
* Added laser sight for targeting, and   asigned  it to the s key.
* Added boarders to various traps.
 * Removed character comments/messages.
* Removed training mode.
* Possabily fixed blue screen on exit on some windows systems.
* Recompiled project using MinGW instead of visual C++.
*Updated various sound files.
* updated the User's Guide.

Downloading and Installing

As usual you should uninstall Beta 14 before installing beta 15, but
we have updated the installer to now   upgrade previous releases to
the current release. However, as this is experimental it is still
recommended to go ahead and uninstall any prier releases before
installing beta 15.
As always you can download the latest Linux and Windows release from

Happy gaming!

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