Hi Will,
Mysteries of the Ancients Alpha 1 is in private testing as we speak. I am planning on releasing Alpha 2 to my test team sometime Sunday/Monday once I take care of a couple of nasty bugs that was discovered in Alpha 1 this week. As far as a release Window goes I am playing it by ear. I would like nothing more than to have a demo out by Christmas, but that all depends on how much the test team and I get done with the game between now and then. There have been many bugs in the engine, and I have been working like a mad man to fix them all and make the demo really stable for end user consumption. So all I can say is I hope to have something soon, but it is out when it is ready.

Will Lomas wrote:
do you hope to have monty out by the end of the year or a demo at all?
that way at least by early next year that can be one project off the shelf

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