Hello everyone.

I know that Shadow Dragon mentioned the dust mare mud, or mare, a few weeks back. I also know that some of us have given it a go with various successes.

I just wanted to quickly write and let everyone know that the admins are working on doing everything they can for blind and VI players.

I am sort of the unofficial official admin for blind and VI players now, whatever that means. grin.

We have been working to write more help files and intro materials for screen reader users.

This screen reader support, along with the help system has a bit to go yet, but I am on quite a bit when I have time, it helps to have some down time at work, and I am more than happy to help those around who would like some initial assistance.

The one cool thing about DustMare is that it has an RPG style storyline to go along with your basic mud style game play.

I would strongly suggest this game for those of you who are looking for a mud more than just your basic stock hack and slash, timed quests, and lack of a true storyline.

The address is at winds.org port 4000.

Look for galphner, and if I am on, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

To page me, just type
page galphner=your message.

Jeremy Hartley

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