Hi gang,
  NPR(National Public Radio) in the states  is doing a story on accessible 
gaming that will be airing this Sunday during the show entitled "Weekend 
Edition". The piece will air sometime during the second hour of the 
broadcast.  Most folks in the states can get NPR on their radio, but check 
local listings to see when Weekend Edition airs near you.
  Amy Stanton, the reporter for NPR covering the story interviewed 
developers, including myself as well as others in the accessible gaming 
  I think this is great, and will give some much needed exposure to the fact 
that the blind community plays games on their computers as well as the rest 
of the world.
  Additionally after the show airs, you will be able to listen to it on 
  So for all of you out there that have just been dying to hear the sexy 
voice of your game developers , the time has finally come.
  Brace yourselves.

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