This email describes how to build your own tracks for use with Top Speed 2. All 
you need is notepad and a microphone to record the soundfile describing your 
track in the menu.

You need to create a textfile with the extension .trk.
Look to the zandvoort track for an example.    

The file contains triplets of numbers. Each triplet describes part of the 
track. A triplet consists of :
1. The type of trackpart :
        straight        = 0,
        shallowLeft     = 1,
        left            = 2,
        strongLeft      = 3,
        hairpinLeft     = 4,
        shallowRight    = 5,
        right           = 6,
        strongRight     = 7,
        hairpinRight    = 8,
        straightCrowd   = 9,
        straightOcean   = 10,
        straightRunway  = 11

2. The surfacetype :
        asphalt         = 0,
        gravel          = 1,
        water           = 2

3. The length of that perticular part of the track, the minimum length is
5000. The number doesn't have a unit, but you could say that it is more or
less in centimeter.

The end of the track is indicated with a "-1" and the file ends with an 
optional 0 or
1 indicating weather :
        sunny           = 0,
        rain            = 1

The filename needs to end on ".trk" and needs to be placed in the "Tracks" 
folder of the game. Next you need a wave file with the same name as the track 
containing the sound to be played in the menu. So if your trackfile is called 
mytrack.trk, you alse need to have a mytrack.wav in the Tracks folder.

If the filename starts with "adv" it indicates a streetadventure (although it 
will still appear in the "single race" and "time trial" menu). This means the 
tracks are much narrower and there is only one lap. I don't know if the 
computer adversaries will be smart enough to drive them though.

Good luck,
Davy loots,
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