This, and only this, is the best  battle I ever had in TDV. Spoilers, read 
So, I took out the airbase. Won a battle with a guard tower, then I proceeded. 
I was surrounded by fighters, guard towers and Sam batteries. I was going to 
the refueler, so the fighters were chasing me around the sectors. I fled. So, 
like William which killed Harold Godwin, I flew away, went to the refueler, 
refueled and rearmed my aircraft, Then I turned around. I tagged fighter 2, got 
in missile range. Instead of blasting a missile at him, I switched to my guns. 
So, I heard a missile shot and a fighter being hit. I checked my health, all 
fine. I switched to fighter 1. Fighter won got knocked out during the duel. So, 
we reached fighter 2. I locked onto him with guns. Oh one second I forgot my 
technique! I remembered, blasted bullets at his aircraft, rolled away at the 
same time, and what I here is that the son of a female dog is down. Lol. And 
the best part of the fight was  before I rearmed. The Sam battery missiles were 
hitting the fighters and stuff. I must admit I only got hit once. Miss aiming 
Sam batteries! Now I have to put out the powerplant. This was the best fight I 
ever had in the game, and I will never, ever forget it. I hope Brutus learnt a 
lesson. Well, time to see who's stronger. 2 Fighters and some other enemies 
being hit by Sam batteries from the wrecked airbase! What do you guys think? 
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