Hi all, I'm planning to be on alter aeon for several hours this afternoon, and I was wondering if any of you would be interested in running xp/gold with me. If you're interested, please email me off-list with the level of your character and any info you feel I should know. Depending on the number of players and the level, we may be running on archais with one character, or we'll be hitting cordon with another. With luck, we'll get several million xp on archais, and maybe a million on cordon. For those of you who might be interested in starting a character, the game can be found at www.alteraeon.com, and there is a great soundpack available for the mush-z client which turns it into more a an audiogame. The link is somewhere on the audiogames.net forum, as well as on the alteraeon website. It's currently around 7:00 am for me now (I'm on eastern standard) and I'll be getting home around 3:30 or 3:45. I'll be planning out the runs today, and I'll send out an email to anybody who contacts me with the details.


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