Hi all.
This message are for the respective companies I test with all of which I think 
are on here.
If not anyone can forward this message to anyone that may wish it.
The fan on my system decided to stop last night.
Skype, and msn are not avalible and I can not test until the system is repaired.
Its going to be repaired on monday however its not even in the shop.
So when it comes back I will tell you.
My hope is its back within 2 weeks.
Contact with me can be through email.
However email checks will not be often or as often as I may want.
I can't play games, and test or anything till this problem is fixed.
I will tell you when I come back.
Also if you recieve posts from closed threads bare with me as I won't be 
keeping up with mail as often as I would wish.

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