This would be similar to lms:

You and your team have been stationed at a gate to allow citizens out of an undead swarmed town. You stand in a small corridor with walls on either sie for about five tiles, after which a massive, square-shaped area opens up, with no barriers or walls. Starting at 30 seconds, and every 15 seconds thereafter, a citizen passes by you and into the safe area you're guarding. (Mission: 200 exp and 1000 rep per citizen that gets by safely while you are alive.) The area ahead of you is swarming with massive amounts of undead, and the hoard keeps growing. They are drawn to you by the sounds of the escape vehicles (essentially all zombies on the map head for the choke point right away, but player's don't here anything.) How many citizens can you keep alive?

If this is a mission, you earn exp and rep for every citizen that gets by while you are still alive. If another player lasts longer than you they will get more points. Also, you don't loose equipment if you die, though the mission should probably cost fuel and a couple thousand rep to join. I could see this also being a bit of a competition, how many citizens did you save?

Any thoughts?

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