hey I won! here's the log or as much as it as tacticle battle 2.0 will show...
 the evil Ogre at 4 4 uses Attack on  the good Hero at 4 3
 the good Hero loses 16 health
Round: 10
 the evil Ogre loses 11 health
Turn changed: The forces of good
 the good Hero , Valley 4 3
the good Hero has 15 of 50 Health and 2 of 2 Actions and 2 of 2 Movement and has the following skills, Attack, Move, Take item, Give item, Drop item, Use item, Equipment
Who will you use Attack on?
the evil Ogre , Valley 4 4 The tile has the following effects, Fire Pillar with 3 rounds remaining
 the good Hero uses Attack on  the evil Ogre
 the evil Ogre loses 19 health
Battle Map
 the good Hero , Valley 4 3
Choose an item
2 Minor Healing Potion 1 of 2
Long Bow 2 of 2
2 Minor Healing Potion 1 of 2
Who will you use Minor Healing Potion on?
 the good Hero , Valley 4 3
 the good Hero uses Minor Healing Potion on  the good Hero
 the good Hero regains 25 health
Battle Map
the good Hero has 40 of 50 Health and 0 of 2 Actions and 2 of 2 Movement and has the following skills, Attack, Move, Take item, Give item, Drop item, Use item, Equipment
Ending turn
Turn changed: The forces of evil
 the evil Ogre at 4 4 uses Attack on  the good Hero at 4 3
 the good Hero loses 17 health
 the evil Ogre at 4 4 uses Attack on  the good Hero at 4 3
 the good Hero loses 12 health
Round: 11
 the evil Ogre loses 12 health
Turn changed: The forces of good
 the good Hero , Valley 4 3
the good Hero has 11 of 50 Health and 2 of 2 Actions and 2 of 2 Movement and has the following skills, Attack, Move, Take item, Give item, Drop item, Use item, Equipment
 the good Hero , Valley 4 3
Who will you use Attack on?
the evil Ogre , Valley 4 4 The tile has the following effects, Fire Pillar with 2 rounds remaining
 the good Hero uses Attack on  the evil Ogre
 the evil Ogre loses 5 health
 the evil Ogre has been defeated
Battle Map
You are victorious!
return to main menu
go to map selection menu
return to main menu
go to map selection menu
return to main menu
main menu
play a map campaign
exit game

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