Hi guys,
first of all, I don't no why, but I don't poste that much. Anyways maybe I
don't get much of an email. But this subject isn't on how much I poste, its
on tips of defeeting the Drake.
Spoilers, the deffley hallos, be careful or you will  face a lovely girl
Belitricks Lestrange, and voldimort and she will come to kill you if you
continue reading! Note! When you read on, the Impirioe curse is on this
I found a grait axe on which floor I can't could be the5th I think and I
grabbed it. I saw a grait club for 13 points of damage. And when I brought
those weapons, my large axes was at level 3 and my large clubs and hammers
was at 5 I think. I thought the Drake in very Lucky hits. What I did is get
my kobold theeth trickster as in my rescued char get hidden and my pet but I
reincarnated him as an imp. I changed her name and my ratkin druid
necromenser died. I got the chars protected I think by performing surtan
moves and the Drake was gonn. I hit him in the torso which caused about 35
damage and 1 or 2 more hits did him in. 

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