
I know there are numerous sites out there where one can play card games
ranging from Texas Hold'em to Pinochle, Hearts and Bridge with other people.

Are any of these card game sites accessible with JAWS?  I'm willing to go
through some work to make them accessible, even rekindling my knowledge of
JAWS scripting, but if there are sites out there that already work, or work
with some tweaking, I'd love to know.

I already know about AllInPlay, and it's a great thing, but there are
numerous other games I'd like to play out there ... And maybe even for
money, and I'm trying to figure out what's available.

Failing that, are there good accessible versions of these games?  I know
there are some designers of games for blind people out there, but one of my
frustrations is that the strategy of the computer players is very basic.  I
can win against the Hearts game I have every time, and the same is true for
backgammon (yes, I know, not a card game, but a case in point).  Ideally,
I'd like to find games designed for the sighted gaming community that either
work well with JAWS by chance, or which can be modified to do so.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


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