Interesting phil, though i am concerned with what they said about the system not working on headphones.

For gaming I've always found speakers (even my fairly good logitech 5.1 ones), far too imprecise to get the full effect of sound source placement, meaning headphones for audio games are a must, and the article did state that this system didn't work particularly well on headphones, and given that game play in audio needs very precise location of sounds I'm not sure.

So it is probably something that developers are going to have to try when the technology to output to the new sound sources becomes available. At least if it is usable on headphones people won't all have to go and spend flipping great wodges of money on ridiculously expensive speaker systems :D.

Myself, I actually see Aprone's See monkey as the way that vertical sounds could be represented by simply changing the sterrio field as you move your head up and down. For example, I could imagine a game like Donkey Kong where you could effectively look above and below your character's current position by raising and lowering your head and changing the sounds in the sterrio field. this would not be ideal, sinse manifestly you would need to focus on each vertical area of the screen to be able to get information about it, but it would be able to provide a lot more than is currently available, indeed it sort of mimmics the way I sometimes have to play games with my limited field of vision by looking at different areas of the screen successively.

Beware the Grue!


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