Well, it took 6 days and a lot of laps but the tournament is finally over. 
Here are the final points results:

NightRider 27 points
Deano 22 points
Aristotle 8 points
Marc1 8 points
razor 7 points
Thunder 5 points
Faylen 4 points

  Deano made a run for the prize there at the end, but Night Rider secured 
his victory by holding on to second place adding 7 more points to his 1st 
place finishes on the first two tracks, way to race gang.
  I listed only the players that actually got points, check the website for 
all entered players and their times.
  The times were just amazing, especially considering how long you guys have 
had the game.
  Night Rider and Deano, write me off list and I will send your money if you 
have a pay pal account, if not you can get $200,000 and $100,000 added to 
your Rail Racer accounts respectfully.
  I am going to start a new tournament this weekend which will be open to 
all racers, not sure what the prizes will be yet, But I can tell you The 
Glove will be one of the tracks.
  Refer to my previous posting about The Glove if you don't have it yet.
  Also, I am working on a page where we can upload user tracks, vote on them 
and download them as well to make track swapping much easier, more details 
to come.
  I hope you guys enjoyed the tournament.

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