"Sheesh! This is not my lucky day, today!" says Sarah as she walk by her
dad's hand out of the castle.
"Yes, we agree, my daughter" her mom says when she gets into the car.
"Shame you tried your best. Those beasties just wasn't fare. They took your
magic energy with such a hit! Shame was that dementor cruel?"
"We're proud of you our daughter. It's not your fault that the caretaker
abandoned you. You have your aparating license and you really studied well
in magic arts. This just wasn't your lucky day!"
"To make up for that my child we're taking you to covent gardens."
"Covent gardens?" Sarah exclaimed.
I've never been there." I wanted to see what opera is like.
"Opera is much the same as ballad, my child. Instead of ballad it  is
couples of people on the stage doing romantic movements while they are
"Yes, mom I have listened to opera on the radio. It's those men and woman
roaring. It sounds as if their toes are pinched in a door."
Sarah's parents laughed.
"Yes it might sound like that but it's actually very romantic."
"We will go tonight."
So Sarah and her parents got home and got dressed for the opera night
"Hay mom, can I put on my headless hat?"
Sarah's mom laughed.
: Oh no my child then your head will disappear. The whole audience will get
a fright.""
So they went and they watched an opera called
  A  la Greta boheme stupefy wizardry.
Sarah was most enlightened. It's a man and a woman doing an opera show where
they walk through the same  castle she visited.
One piece of the opera was where the woman was singing a part out of one of
the screaming books.
When Sarah recognized it, she whispered to her mom while they were sitting
in their seats.
"Oh mom I recognize this. Today when I was in the castle when I was about to
open one of the books it was screaming at me. Now this couple has changed
this book into opera. This woman with her sweet voice   imitates the
screaming book so good. I will   rather listen to her than hearing the
screaming book again"
Lol lol lol.
Guys, this is just a short story I've quickly made up to show you my kind of
Something fascinates me about the game, Phil.
The title is: Sarah and the castle of witchcraft and wizardry.
Here in South Africa there are also many stories told about witches. Hear in
south Africa witch craft is known as old women with only one tooth in their
mouth and they also have a few hairs of beard on their faces and then each
witch lives in a house with their cat.
The cat in south African witch stories is always known for doing the dirty
work, cleaning the house, making tea for  the witch from those prickling
plants; lighting the fire.
But the  witches doesn't abuse their cats. They are allowed to sleep by the
fire once their work is done and they also  travel with the witch on the
The witch always makes herself a magical brew. It's a big pot on the stove
with a lot of magical ingredients, which she boils and then eats.
These witches also have hats with a sharp point.
These hats doesn't perform any magic, its just a hat which witches in south
African witch  stories commonly ware.
Witches in south African witch stories flies on their brooms.  Each witch
takes her cat with her, and goes flying a bit.
The most witches in south African witch stories is wicked witches;  casting
spells on children  trying to bank school. So far I have only heard 2 witch
stories of good witches. The one, its actually a whole series of stories, is
of this kind witch who always forgots the spells her grandma taught her. The
only thing she can     bring about with magic  is a horse but the horse
always helped her out of trouble. Here in south africa, in our language
Afrikaans we have an expression if something frightfully happened: oh griet!
So this horse is named griet. In English you would sayh: oh gosh. Something
like that. So when this witch gets frightened  she also use this expression:
oh griet  but each time she uses it she cast a spell which causes the horse
to come   to her. But then the difficult part IS TO CAST THE HORSE TO
DISAPPEAR AGAIN. ALL SHE HAVE TO   say to let him disappear is: good bye
griet. But she forgets it each time.  Its actually a dwarth story.  Its  a
lot of dwarths.  They have a  dwarth king. This dear witch, in Afrikaans she
was known as  little dear witch, she had a friend called karel cat. Karel
also being an Afrikaans name.  He always helped her out of misery when the
king was angry with her because she was so forgetful. So one day the king
found out that  dear little witch didn't even have a cat, so he wanted to
through  her out of his kingdom, because she can't help him get rid of all
the mice but her friend carel cat gave her his nephew, little Mathew,
actually in afrikaans called matewis cat. He is not a magical cat, but at
least dear little witch have a cat. And dear little witch was also fond of
singing. She tried to make up her own songs, but she sings on one note.
Dear little witch also had a broom.
So this is just to give you An idea about south African witch stories.
While reading the manual I noticed that there are no suchlike witches in the
castle. So does witchcraft in American stories differ from South Africa?
Do you also get American witch stories where the witches are old women with
their cats, their brewing pots and their brooms?
Is Sarah the 18-year-old teenager a witch herself?
In south Africa we always associates the term witch with an old woman with
one teeth and beard.
Does this differ in America? Are creatures like the 3-headed dog and the
basilisk then called witches? Is that where the witchcraft part comes from?
The term wizardry is obvious. Its magic. Casting spells and utilizing
magical items picked up.

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