I have to say this game is not accessible.  I've tried it out just recently
since my brother has the game.  He got me logged in and I could move the
character, but that was it, tried several screen readers and no luck.   So
there For no this is not accessible, unless the Game makers would add
narrator to it then it might work then, But.  Come on you know that will
never happen with everything focus on money these days.  

I'm wishing that some game developer would make a Real Real Role Playing
Game for once, I'm sick of all the other styles of game play.  I have yet
seen one RPG that even worth playing.   Sure there is Swith which is fine,
just its lacking in a lot of areas.  For one if it's going to be accessible,
why not have the option of turning off the graphic parts, and just text only
with buttons and the combo box and that it.  Also I paid for a adventure
account, yet I get the ignoring advertisement.  That is one reason why I
have not renewed my subscription or even devote any time into it cause of
simple time consuming.

For one a RPG based game is not far fetch given, that we already have the
engines readily available.  It's just the fact that no Blind game developer
will make one, simply cause of the fact it would be a big project to do so.
Why not hire or find people that are willing to develop the quests, items
descriptions and the works while the main programmer works on the game and
so forth. 

We got Shades of Doom, That engine there alone has been used in making
several games, and I'm sure that it could be used to make a RPG.  

I can see that it would needs some clean up with some flaws, as having over
2k of files in one folder is not very good in game performance and
updateability of it, as you would have to scratch your head on figuring out
which file is which and that takes too much time.

I've pointed this out to Phil for SOC, cause it's severely lacking in
performance, due to this one prob.

I know I'm going to probley get some flame mail from this, I understand
programming, and I understand concepts and so forth.  I done programming
work before I lost my sight, and a lot of other things in the computer

But, really.  Main Game community like EA, Blizzard, and a load of others
will never look at blind people simply cause it's not feasible, and just
plain bias that they think that disable people will not be able to play such

I know  chee is most likely to get the big bucks with coming out with the
first fully accessible RPG game.  Once he gets on the roll with it.  

I already got story lines and stuff created for RPG's and stuff.  But will
never have the chance to use them and such, as I spend most of my time
working on writing other books and stuff. And Tech work every day.  

Any how.  I'll shut up. *Grin*

"The Arctic Shephard"  

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