
I've just downloaded the demo of super football in order to write a game entry 
for audiogames.net. 

I did originally try the game back in 2006 during my big playthrough and 
investigation of audiogames, but decided not to buy it, sinse it seemed to boil 
down to a comparatively symple boppit style game, ---- pluss I wasn't too keen 
on the synth comontator. Thanks to a new computer, I was able to try it again, 
and do a write up for audiogames.net, ---- which should hopefully be 
informative for anyone confused about the game. 

Anyway, so now I've got three days super football demo time, and even if I'm 
not buying it, I might as well have a litle fun. 

Anyone fancy a ten minute friendly? 

You can probably guess my knickname for the game, ;D. 

Beware the Grue! 

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