USA Games News

March 18, 2009


Greetings gamers, and welcome to another edition of the USA Games News. As you know there is a lot of exciting news of late. Work on Mysteries of the Ancients is going well, and as the release date draws nearer we are excited to see this title finally get released to the public. Fortunately, we have had a lot more free time of late, and as a result we have been putting in many ours on our titles. While most of that free time has been spent on developing Tomb Hunter Mysteries of the Ancients it isn’t the only project we have been working on. We have some other projects in the works, and some plans which will improve both old and future titles.

Genesis 3D

As most of you know we have been developing a rather sophisticated audio game engine called Genesis 3D. Up until now most of the development has been done in C-Sharp, with the Microsoft .NET Framework and Managed DirectX 9.0C. At the time we began the project it seamed like an ideal solution for us. However, a combination of time, changes in Windows based technologies, as well as general tech support issues we’ve decided to rewrite the engine in C++. Why C++? First, a bit of history. Back in 2007 Microsoft announced that they were dropping support for Managed DirectX in favor of the XNA Framework. At the time the Xact tool was completely inaccessible, and even now Xact 3 still has some accessibility issues to contend with. This lead me to spend nearly two years researching alternatives for Managed DirectX and XNA. The only one I’ve found is SDLDotNet, but it is not a perfect solution. Second, over the course of time I’ve tried several different programming languages and APIs including: Java, Python, and C++. After months of rigorous research, testing, and experimentation C++ has been the most stable solution. Plus C++ seams to have the widest possible options when it comes to input and audio support. This is important to a developer who doesn’t necessarily want to depend on Windows only technologies such as DirectX, XNA, etc. Third, perhaps the greatest advantage to using C++ over Java, Python, or C-Sharp is that C++ is typically compiled into a native Windows, Linux, or Mac OS application. There are several advantages for the end user when an application is natively compiled for Windows, Linux, or Mac OS rather than being compiled as a runtime application. Bottom line native C++ applications are generally faster, more secure, and don’t require a third-party set of runtime libraries such as Python, Java runtime environment, or the .NET Framework to run. This is, in my personal opinion, well worth porting the Genesis Engine to C++. Forth, I’ve essentially written three games using C-Sharp, the .NET Framework, and Managed DirectX. In each and every case it has turned out to be a rather complicated process getting my games installed and operating properly on end users’ computers. I’ve spent many hours helping customers by phone, e-mail, etc trying to track down if the .NET Framework is installed, if it is the right version, if the person has Managed DirectX, if the person has installed them in the proper order, does the person have an x86 processor or an x64 processor, and so on. Basically, lots of headaches for customer and developer alike. By switching to C++ and using the Windows Win32 API directly I can dramatically simplify the installation process for everyone involved. At most the customer might have to upgrade DirectX to get the latest versions of X3D, XAudio2, and Xinput, but this is a fairly straight forward update. Fifth, if that wasn’t enough, C++ has always been the most preferred programming language used by amateur and professional game developers. As a result I can always get more documentation, talk shop with mainstream game developers, and there is more cross platform APIs for C++. What I am saying is no matter how good Java is, how many people use Python, how popular the .NET programming standards are now, etc C++ seams to still be at the top of the developers choices when it comes to programming anything for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Basically, most programmers regard it as the best all purpose programming language, and it has a lot of support. Finally, over the passed year-and-a-half Microsoft has been developing a brand new audio API for DirectX called XAudio2. When used with the X3D API it is clear XAudio2 is by far and away the best audio API for Windows game developers. I’ve built a few test applications using XAudio2 and X3D and the 3d surround sound support is simply awesome. Not to mention that it has most of the same features of DirectSound. From a Windows programming standpoint it is definitely what I’ve been looking for. I’ve basically held every alternative API to the DirectSound standard, and that is fairly hard to come by if I don’t want to pay to license the API for my game projects. With that said I am pretty sure Xaudio2 and X3D are two very important Windows technologies I need to make Genesis 3D as good as if not better than the current version that Mysteries of the Ancients uses. With all the reasons above it is fairly clear to me that a Genesis 3D engine written in C++ is the best thing to do all things considered. Once we finish with Mysteries of the Ancients, and get that project out of the way, we will probably take several months off of game development and rebuild Genesis 3D from the ground up. The end result should be a very stable, very powerful, game engine for creating top-of-the-line accessible games.

Tomb Hunter
Mysteries of the Ancients

At the time of this article we have released three public betas and several test builds to our private testers. Even as I write this we are working on what will be public beta 4. We want to take our time with beta 4 as we really want to make sure the game is really stable, fix as many bugs as we can in this release, and just tidy up the source code some. There is nothing worse for a software developer then messy, sloppy, or untidy source code. In short, it makes the source code hard to read when a developer comes back to it weeks, months, or even years later down the line. So it helps to clean up the code so it is easier to read later on. As far as bug fixes goes that is going really well. Just this morning I have finally found out why you couldn’t grab the rope when you tried to catch it when using the jump up command, and I have finally fixed that little bug. In addition, I have fixed some miscellaneous bugs when you try to jump left or right using a game pad or joystick. As it happens the fix also applies to the keyboard so jumping works slightly different in beta 4. These are only a handful of things we have worked on so far. As far as a release schedule for beta 4 we don’t have a specific date or time in mind. As mentioned above we want to focus on stability issues as well as complete everything in our to-do list. It has grown quite large over the passed three betas, and we need to sit down for a couple of weeks and work on that, nothing but that, and hopefully get to the point were we can start adding the rest of the game levels, complete the end user documentation, etc. In other words get the game ready for a 1.0 release with in the next two or three months, or sooner depending on how long all this takes. Another important reason we want to hold back on releasing the next beta is we have lost time by releasing the previous three betas. We have spent several hours answering basic questions, helping user’s get the game installed, fulfilling end user requests, etc. The net result of this has caused us to slow down on actual game production and take time to answer questions, fix bugs that popped up unexpectedly, and so on. If we hold back we can pretty much get the game near complete and then just work out any last minute bugs, requests, etc at the end. This makes more sense than letting it all pile up at once. So it could be some time before beta 4 is ready for release.

USA Raceway

Next to Tomb Hunter Mysteries of the Ancients this is undoubtedly the most anticipated USA Games title currently in development. We often get requests for updates, news, and more information about the game. It is true that Mysteries of the Ancients takes up a good majority of our development time, but that doesn’t mean development has completely stopped on Raceway, or we don’t have any news to report. In fact, there is some news on that front. Recently, with our decision to move to C++ we have started the tedious process of converting USA Raceway to C++. Given our current speed it is going to take a while to get Raceway completely converted, get it stable, and have anything like a playable test release let alone a public beta. Still, it is really going to be worth it, and not just because I’ll be using C++. One of the cooler features of using something like C++ with XInput for handling game input devices is it natively supports Xbox-360 controllers. Assuming, of course, you install the Windows drivers for the Xbox controllers. I am a big fan of playing games using joysticks, game pads, etc and I rather like the idea of turning my home PC into a Xbox clone. I’m sure those who like the Xbox-360 will enjoy the support for Xbox-360 controllers as well as I do. As mentioned earlier in this news letter we will be using XAudio2 and X3D for handling audio on the Windows side. The end result is a richer, more realistic, and much more powerful audio experience. Yes, it isn’t that much different from using DirectSound with 3d audio support, but I am personally impressed with the new DirectX audio APIs that ship with the newer releases of the DirectX SDK. Besides it seams to me to be a smarter move on my part to begin phasing out DirectInput, DirectSound, etc and begin converting my games over to the new libraries. It took me a while to become won over by them, but fact is DirectInput, DirectSound, DirectPlay, and so on are older technologies no longer receiving updates, support, etc from Microsoft. It makes sense since Raceway is more or less a new game to go with what is current rather than falling back on older technologies that could be dropped at any time by Microsoft. I am all too aware of the kind of havoc Microsoft caused when they began dropping Visual Basic 6 support under Windows Vista. Especially, since DX7VB.dll and DX8VB.dll were completely removed from the DirectX installation as well as Windows Vista. For our own sake as well as yours we don’t want to fall victim to that kind of change in Microsoft support policy. The best way to avoid such a fiasco is to see the change is coming and begin planning for that eventuality. That’s exactly what we are doing with Raceway. Finally, everyone on this list knows I am personally interested in seeing our games run on Windows, Mac, as well as Linux. I think that by using C++, if I design the game right, I should be able to eventually port Raceway to whatever operating system I want. SDL is no DirectX, but I have seen Audio Quake under Linux, using SDL, and it isn’t bad. Point being the option is open, and I’ve seen games like Quake do well on Mac and Linux using that combination so it is at least feasible. Plus if the Windows release sells well I can license something better for the Mac and Linux side if I really want to. All and all I’m happy with what we are doing with USA Raceway. I can’t ask for much more than that.

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