Hi list.
I got lunimals figured out after aprones explanation.
However, I could do with some help for mission 5.
I am part way through the mission, and I have to have populations of at least 10 cats and kamen.
I have 21 turtles left over at the start of this new section.
I have tried selling them to raise cash and bying fish, but the kamen quickly eat all of it. I also tried leaving the turtles as food for the kamen, but again no joy the kamen all died, same when I tried leaving a mixture of fish and turtles.
I am having a similar problem with the Cats.
As soon as I get any mice, they get eaten or die, same thing, eventually the cats all die.

I don't get it, as I have trees all over the land area.
And I believe the mice like acorns.
Thanks so much for any help, I am really stuck.

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