I sent this to the Pac Mate List but thought I should send it here too.
I'm about to start selling a huge game pack for the PPC. It will cost $15 american. The pack is especially designed for the PM v4.1 but should work fine on other systems.
First, let me say that you will NOT be paying for these games. They are all absolutely free, and, if you wish, you can hunt them all down yourself and label them--maybe you'll like doing that as much as playing them--so the games are free. You'll be paying only for the additional files that make the games more accessible. I improved some of the files in the first pack, which is free and can be downloaded at www.braillesoft.net . I've improved on the old--yes, throwing out some that just plain didn't work, and have brought to the community some new and exciting games as well.
First, the changes...
In netHack, the sound pack is much bigger and it works--yet it is compact enough to run smoothly if a bit slowly. Pocket Irked has been replaced with a new Vexed clone that includes over sixty different types of packs, each pack having about fifty levels--and, with a little practice, you can even make your own. (Later if anyone is interested, I'll write up a blurb on it, but right now I'm still working on finding new games.) I've also found a better Lines game--just as accessible, about half as frustrating--and you can change the rules to make different shapes other than the five-ball line. There are many other games in this pack--even a Sudoku game, and, in case any of you missed it, the Scrabble game with its graphics file will also be there. I can't promise you total accessibility all the time, but I can promise that you won't have to spend hours of frustrating experiences trying to identify and label graphics! If you would rather give it a go, in all fairness I'm going to write down the name of every game I have found and modified.
Alain Zanchetta Scrabble (srabblCE)
CE Zebra Othello: one or two players
FreakOthello: one player, powerful and fast AI
Two lines games--one is Lineo and the other just Lines.
Miner: detinate clear cells, avoid mines.  Three experience levels.
Ramon De Klein Bubbles: bubbles game, varrying difficulty
Vexed, by Ilker Aksen, see above
AruKone and AruKube: connect the symbols with lines. Very visual but very accessible. For example, if two plus signs were next to each other with one blank cell between them, you click on the first plus, then on the blank, then on the second plus. The number 3 appears between them because a Braille three is a straight line across. Had it been one over and one down, (and since you can't go diagonally,) you'd click the plus, the cell next to it, then the plus underneath. A number 4 would appear to the right of the first plus, because it points to the left, (dots 2-5,) and downward, (dots 5-6.) Arukube is harder because you have to connect them all with number constraints--how many moves you have to do it in. Daleks: Outrun the bugs or try to get them to collide or run into the plus signs. In a pinch, kill all bugs immediately surrounding you with a "subsonic," or "transmit," yourself to another location. GemSwap: swap gems to put three (or more,) gems in a row. Careful planning can help you rack up those points! NetBubbles: in French, which makes it interesting. Choose between a board full of three, four, or five colors. The sound are awesome too.
Newborn: a basic game of concentration--match the pairs.
Woeper Shuffle: the classic number slider puzzle
(You can just get that one, no extra files needed.)
So, you want to know where to get these games? Just go to www.freewareppc.com and go to games, the puzzle. Most are there, some are under board games. Some you'll have to google for though. I'm currently not selling the pack for two reasons: one is that I'm still hunting for new games, especially an accessible chess game. Both the ones I found are accessible except that Jaws skips the lines that have all blank sqares, making it seem that the pawns are right up in each others' faces. I'm also hunting card games such as Free Cell. I tried to label Solitaire but Jaws doesn't like the layering. Second, I really want feedback so that I can make this games pack even better. What types of games are you interested in, for example? What did you like about the first pack, and what didn't you like? I know that I haven't been on the lists at all in a while--since my brother in law broke my last computer, in fact, but now I'll be monitorring them more closely--so fire away!
Ken Downey
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