Hi Charles,
Yeah, I tend to agree with you about Aliens in the Outback. I can get no lander bonuses in Wave 5, but I can't get one in Wave 4. It is like waves 1 through 3 build up to Wave 4 and then it starts getting easier again. Interesting, but I've never thought of it that way before.

Charles Rivard wrote:
Yes, Baby Black Hole is the easiest, as there are no moon rocks to contend with. And, just because it is said to be the easiest level, this does mean that it is easy. It only means that the other levels of skill are harder. Another good example of this is Aliens in the Outback. Is the easy level really that easy? Not for me, as I am still trying to find the secret to those level 3 ships. And, is it my imagination?, or is wave 4 usually the hardest wave. Seems like wave 5 is usually easier to get a no lander bonus on than wave 4 is. I really like the game, but have never beaten it.
Shepherds are the best beasts.

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