
There seem to be some platforms (Debian (*) and SuSE being the ones that
are more relevant IMHO) that are maintaining their own forks of ganglia based
on 2.5.7, while some others (Gentoo, Fedora, NetBSD, FreeBSD and Solaris being
the ones that are more relevant IMHO) that are currently providing 3.x based 
packages but might have still some older versions that are still under support
and that were 2.5.x based either directly or through derivatives.

In any case, and regardless of the reasons why they decided not to go with the
3.x line (which we should fix also in the short run) we could probably benefit
by having a maintenance branch for 2.5.7.x, 2.5.x or 2.x (whatever you guys
prefer) where all the work that is being done can be centralized for everyone
else benefit.

any objections with creating a branch (I would go with monitor-core-2.5.x 
if there are no better suggestions) where that could be done?


(*) Including derivatives like Ubuntu and its 5 year support for Dapper

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