On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 10:59:01AM -0500, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
>    I was wondering if there may be some value in using libstatgrab in Ganglia
>    for grabbing some of the metrics. I realize Ganglia has most (or all) of
>    the metrics in libgrabstat but may be a wise choice for the future since
>    you could "abstract" some of the statistics gathering. Just a thought.

ganglia has all the statistics gathering already abstracted in an internally
maintained library called (libmetrics).

>    http://www.i-scream.org/libstatgrab/

took a look at the library and is definitely interesting, specially taking
that the code for the library is actually LGPL and so would be most likely
compatible with ganglia's own libmetrics which is under BSD allowing for 
"cross pollination"

the approach taken to gather the statistics is different though, and therefore
it wouldn't work as a replacement of libmetrics as designed and in some cases
the implementations used in libmetrics (like in the network statistics not 
requiring root privileges for Linux) are probably a better fit for what
ganglia needs at the moment.


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