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From: <bobbyl.gib...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Question to techies...
To: Badrish Davanagere <dbadr...@gmail.com>

Sounds like it works to me! School Out West = Biggest Loser, yep it works.
Although, I would think about deleting this scheduled event. They are
destined to be the Biggest Loser for years to come. I don't think you have
enough Hard Drive space.

On Oct 15, 2009 8:27am, Badrish Davanagere <dbadr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [I heard this question on local radio this morning and thought I pose it
her with a slightly different twist!]
> I have a problem with my DVR. Since I know there are a bunch of techies on
this list, I thought I would get some help - I have programmed it to record
all new episodes of The Biggest Loser show but it keeps taping the FSU
games. Can you please help a brother out?
> -BadMan
> >

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