I'm posting this on behalf of a gay guy who had a terrible 
experience on Christmas Day. As I told him when he called me he was 
both really stupid to get into this (going there with so many 
valuables) and really lucky - because he could easily not have got 
free or they could have become even more violent. 

We know of two cases of guys who died this year most likely at the 
hands of guys they hooked up with for sex, and this guy could have 
become the third. Perhaps the fact that it was Christmas did have 
something to do with it after all.

I don't think the guy is on this list, but if you post comments and 
mails I'll forward them to him, 


Dear All,

I just want to relate an incident that happened on Christmas day.  I 
had met this commercial guy through a friend sometime back. His name 
Rahul  [though not sure if this is a fake name – I later got to know 
that his name could be Jai or J something] He is fair, about 5.9 
feet, slim, okay physique.  [he has a good chest, but they look 
sagging ?] 

The first time I met him, I did not fancy him too much so didn't 
bother calling him again, though had asked incase he knew anyone 
good.   He called me sometime later but since I was not interested 
and busy did not take his call.  He then tried me from a PCO – not 
knowing who it was, I took the call and then he told me that he had 
someone who was just my type.   

I then got interested and said that we could meet on Monday, 25th 
Dec around 6.00 pm as I would go out later.  He told me that it 
would not be possible around then but later like 8.30/9.00 pm.  We 
finally met and I took him to my friend's place [I had the keys to 
the house and he was not living there] with his friend - really 
cannot remember his name, Wasim, I think.   

He said he stayed at Mira Road.  He is fair, shortish, good 
physique, wears silver earrings on both ears, nice eyebrows that 
meet at the centre. [Just my type]. They then came over and wanted 
to have a drink. I said that if they came earlier, it would be 
possible and to do it someother time.  They told me it would be 
better as they were in the mood for drinks. So I gave Rahul 60 bucks 
to buy a beer.  

Meanwhile, I was chatting with Wasim.  I asked him how much money he 
would charge ?  He said he did not know anything about money and was 
doing it more for friendship sake. I felt good about it and told him 
we could be friends etc. and that I could also give him some money 
and we could keep in touch again.  

The other guy then came with a quarter of some cheap whisky and we 
started drinking. I was not keen, but they poured me a little. So I 
had a bit to give them company. After chatting for a while and 
drinking for about half and hour, I told the other guy Rahul to go 
in the next room and I could have some fun with Wasim. 

Wasim said that he was a bit nervous to do it alone and if we could 
do a threesome. Found that strange, but I told them that it's very 
confusing and so we could start and then later maybe he could join 
in. I told him to take his shirt off and I took mine including my 
pants. We had not closed the door. 

He then went in the next room and then the other guy too came and 
said lets do together and before anything, they started catching me 
and closing my mouth etc. I screamed a bit in fright [am getting 
goose bumps while writing this part] they then took me to the other 
room and closed my mouth.  

I realized then that there was a third person too [one of them when 
they had gone to get the booze or cigarettes must have got the third 
person in] The third person was weathish complexion, thin tall 5.8 
and had longish hair. Not good looking. They tied my mouth with some 
cloth, they also tied my hands and legs not just with cloth but with 
electric wire too which I realized later.  

And they tied it quite tight.  My hands were getting cramps after a 
while – I was pleading with them to make it loose atleast.  They 
even had some knives / daggers which they were using to threaten 
me.   [I guess the third guy must have carried this with him]
They took my credit cards and one of them went to the ATM while the 
two remained with me. They threatened me to give them the correct 
passwords, which I did. Luckily, for me in my debit card I had not 
much money.  Maybe just 700/- and I also had a third card which was 
brand new. [I honestly could not remember that password since I had 
not used that card.]  

I was tied for about 2 hours  approximately. They then called from 
the bank and said that the passwords were not correct but I told 
them that they were and also told him that there would not be much 
in the Debit card so they could withdraw a maximum of Rs.500 /- from 

I pleaded with them to let me go. I told them that I have old 
parents to look after etc. They told me the usual story – "why do 
you do such things its wrong etc. Anyways, now good it will help you 
not to do things like this. We are not bad people, its just that 
Hume Majbori hai"   

They said that you could always earn and get the money back but your 
life is more precious. I even offered to call a friend and give them 
some 5000-10,000/- they did ask me who etc and how, but I heard them 
saying that it could be a plot so forget it.   

Then the guy [Wasim ?] who had gone to the ATM came back saying he 
withdrew 5000/- or so. They asked me if there was anything in the 
house, any money etc. I told them that there was nothing and that 
they could take whatever they want. They were looking at a VCR 
player and asked if it worked. [This friend of mine had already 
shifted out of the house with his belongings and family – just a few 
bare minimum things were there].    

Wasim then came back and the three were now planning to leave, they 
seemed to be in a hurry too – one of them just said should we cut 
him ? Another said just leave it. Then again I said how am I 
supposed to get out of here with my hands and legs and mouth so 
securely tight ? I pleaded and was crying to atleast leave my hands 
but they said that if they did that, then I would quicly untied and 
scream etc. I guess they were scared too. 

They asked me to give them a no of one of my friends whom they said 
they would call and tell him to release me. I gave them one of the 
names but could not remember the no as it was on my mobile.  They 
then left. I was just praying and wondering what would happen now ? 
How will I ever get out ?  And nobody would come here too in search 
of me ?  

They took my watch, my gold ring and my expensive mobile [I should 
have asked them to leave the simcard atleast, but in all this fright 
etc, could not think] 

Desperate times, calls for desperate measures, and you get some 
strength from the Good Lord Above. I managed to remove the cloth 
from my mouth with my  tied hands. That strangely gave me a boost. 
It was just enough for me to then use my teeth to loosen the knot on 
my hands which I managed a bit. 

I was wondering what was so tight that I could not move – I then 
realized that they had tied my hands with wires too.  I just used 
all my strength with my teeth and tried to bite off the wires one by 
one.  I felt so relived when my hands were free – I then removed the 
knots from my leg - the cloth one was easy but the wire was tight.  
I just did not bother to untie it but used forced to break it free. 

I then put on my clothes [I remember before they were leaving, one 
of them wanted to use my shirt as his shirt got torn, but another 
said "no – leave it for him"]. I quickly tried to see what they left 
behind.  As they told me they are leaving the credit cards back.  
They did leave my wallet, my credit cards and some other cards etc.  
I could not find my house keys + my friends house keys. I just 
wanted to leave the place, so I left quickly.   

I came home and tried to search for a friends nos – but since all my 
numbers were on the phone, I could not find it – I was worried since 
this friend whose nos I gave them to call may come over and not 
finding the house etc may make a noise or a complaint – I just 
wanted to tell him that I was okay.   

Anyways, I quickly got into a cab and left for his place it was 
about 12.30 now.  I reached his place by 1.00 am. He did not get any 
calls so he was unaware of what happened. I then narrated to him the 
whole story. My whole body was paining. I could not sleep the whole 
night – was just getting nightmares and was scared they may come to 
my place. [Afcourse, later I did find the keys when I went back]  I 
think they even tried calling me the next day to check if I was 
okay. I got a blank call from a no starting with 2837.  

Strangely, I got a call the next day from my friend who had given me 
this contact. So I was wondering how he called me out of the blue – 
but he told me that it was Christmas season and therefore wished 
me.   I then told him what happened with Rahul and to be careful.  
He told me that Rahul was trying to call him too – twice, the day 
before Christmas and on Christmas day.   

The reason am writing this is for those who use paid services to be 
aware -   This hopefully is a lesson well learnt for me. I guess 
what I have learnt from this is to be careful and not carry credit 
cards, watches, expensive mobiles etc.  Just the bare necessities.   
If one is not sure about the person, to call a close friend and 
inform him about the 'date' your having, just incase something goes 
wrong, one can track the person. Meet the person outside somewhere 
and try and get out information and check if the person is okay.   
Do not take in more than one person at the place. 

I also believe God does give us warnings small ones first, if we do 
not pay heed to them, then bigger ones.   I did not take care, even 
though I was given two small warnings before.  

I take this opportunity to wish you all a Safe, healthy, Successful 
and wonderful 2007.  
PS :  If you have any suggestions, advice, please let me know 
through Vikram Doctor.  Thanks. 

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