“People came out after the high court verdict in 2009 because they thought 
everything was OK,” activist Anuja Parikh told NBC News. “Now that the Supreme 
Court has taken a massive backwards step, the people who came out of the closet 
are suddenly afraid because they can’t go back in.”
...But the Delhi Supreme Court reinstated the colonial law in December, 
threatening fragile gains made by the LGBT community. Many who had felt 
comfortable openly admitting who they were became terrified...
India's Gays, Lesbians 'Suddenly Afraid' After Court Ruling - NBC News

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| India's Gays, Lesbians 'Suddenly Afraid' After Court Rul...MUMBAI, India — 
When openly gay actor and model Sushant Divgikar marched into India’s answer to 
the Big Brother house last month, he was reaching for more th... |
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