Sudhir Kakar is a people's author. At a reading at the Oxford Bookstore of
his latest book The Indians: Portrait of a People, co-authored by his wife
Kathrina, the psychoanalyst and cultural commentator fielded queries on
'familyism', his theory on the notions of centrality of the Indian family.

According to Kakar, a knowledge of one's cultural unity is essential in this
era of globalisation. "Most Indian advertisements today centre around
children or the family, perhaps a reaction to the sense of unease about the
influence of western cultures in our family life," he explains.

About the generalisations on every aspect of cultural life, including
marriage, the growing years of the girl child, puberty, and Kakar's
specialisation, Indian sexual predilections (he has written a treatise on
the subject), he remarks: "We, as Indians, are afraid to focus on identity.
Instead, we go to the other extreme of not noticing the distinctive aspects
of Indian culture." 

And if you need a ready reckoner, there is Kakar to fall back upon.
"Indianness is not limited to geographical boundaries," he avers, reminding
you about ancient texts that refer to Indians as a commonality.

Kakar loves to fix identities and pin down indicative qualities. "In
traditional India, less than half the families. eat together... almost the
only time a girl may have with her father. The absent father. indeed
reflects one of the great tragedies of Indian family life," he writes. 

Does the Indian care to have explained what he might be about?

Kakar replies: "He might be aware of certain aspects of himself, but might
not be able to conclude what they mean. Many Indians might not know that a
Tamil and a Bengali are not as different as they think."

His observations on homosexuality reflects this attitude. "Today's Indian
homosexual wants to assert his gay identity, but will not be stigmatised for
it, or for indifference







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