It is the first day of October, I hope that all is well for you and yours! Just 
like to drop you a message today to wish for goodness in all areas of your 
life! May you be blessed with goodness in every area of your life! Amazing 
October ahead!

One needs to manage oneself before attempting to manage anything external in 
life. - Swami Parthasarathy (Inner Peace @ OM)

Quoting Lao Tzu, 
"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is 
mightier still." Be an inspiration.
(Click above for the bigger image)

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the 
sunlight. - Benjamin Franklin (Worry @ OM)

One of my favourite quotes by Duke Ellington
 says it all, "There are two kinds of worries – those you can do something 
about and those you can’t. Don’t spend any time on the latter."

More quotes by Benjamin Franklin
(Click above for the bigger image)

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you 
must see the world. - George Bernard Shaw (Character @ OM)

More quotes by George Bernard Shaw
(Click above for the bigger image)

"When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of 
everyone who built it." – Hugh Newell Jacobsen


These 25 best cities in the world were taken 
from a list of 200 cities nominated by travellers via a survey ran on Lonely 
Planet. Guess which cities came up the top 5? Don't miss this list of 25 best 
cities in the world. Do feel free to share your thoughts if you are staying in 
any of these fabulous cities or you just have something to say. See these 25 
cities now!
Planning a trip with your family or friends?
Please consider using the flight and hotel booking services by Symphony of Love 

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