Old wine in very old bottles

Here we go again! Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code cannot be 
abolished or read down because (1) It protects our children. (2) To 
protect public morality. (3) To prevent obscenity. Choose any, or 
all, of the three to stop those nasty homosexuals from over-running 
the country.

After ten years of consistent campaigning, the country's sexual 
minorities, who include the very visible hijras and the very 
invisible bisexual men and women, have been included willy-nilly in 
the government's programmes. Hijras have just got a separate column 
in passport forms courtesy the External Affairs Ministry and the 
very invisible bisexuals have been included in the contact-tracing 
forms at the thousands of voluntary confidential counselling testing 
centres (VCCTCs) supported by the Health Ministry, down to every 
district hospital.

But here we have the Home Ministry lecturing to us, yet again, 
about "morality" even as the HIV graph shows a rock-steady climb 
despite years of work by the National AIDS Control Organization 
(NACO) since the early 1990s. In fact, NACO circulated its 
latest "Budgetary Guidelines for Targeted Interventions" in February 
this year, to every official State AIDS Control Society (SACS) 
stating that the "Core Populations" each SACS must compulsorily fund 
are IVDU (Intravenous Drug Users), Sex Workers (both male and 
female), and the rather perplexing MSM, whose full form is Men-
Having-Sex-With-Men (MSM). Read behaviourally homosexual males.

Obviously, the left hand of the government does not know what the 
right hand is doing. It's like the Indian Rope Trick: you see the 
rope rising in the air but not the person who is pulling it upwards! 
If the most important health programme of the government accepts 
homosexuals as a vulnerable group, how on earth does the very 
important Home Ministry, which has just told us the earth shattering 
news that it cannot curb Naxalism, go about policing something as 
private as sexuality?

And wasn't it public morality that says child marriage is right? The 
Home Ministry hasn't been able to police Parliament's decision to 
stop them anywhere in India. Nor has it been able to prevent Sati 
that whole swathes of people in Rajasthan think is very moral act 
for a Hindu widow. Is it not true that the very Constitution of 
India was written so that each individual Indian's basic rights were 
protected against the "morality" of the majority?

Argued another way, if the state really wished to encroach on 
private space, why is it not trying to stop domestic violence? Why, 
for example, does it not punish marital rape, which is the lot of 
women in India? Why are police not given enough powers to stop the 
bashing of women and the sexual violence against within their very 
homes? Surely there is merit in that argument when they have got as 
far as reservations for them from the Panchayats upwards?

But then the very important State, our very Mai-Baap-Sarkar, hasn't 
been able to stop child labour, assure each able man or woman some 
gainful work, stop bride burning across the land, maintains silence 
when a father-in-law rapes a hapless women alone at home and gets a 
fatwa to marry her, is silent on talaqs by phone and email and even 
insists that Christian women be proved adulteress's to get a simple 
divorce. Why does it take such a stand now? What's so important 
about homosexuals that we get picked upon every time?

If this is `Hindu morality" the BJP better know that Section 377 of 
the IPC was brought in from Britain where it percolated into common 
law from Ecclesiastical Law, more specifically the St. James Bible 
where Leviticus rants and raves against same-sex relations. Britain 
threw out its anti-Sodomy statutes in 1968. But obviously, it is all 
right to defend a law that Christian evangelists keep on selectively 
quoting as the main floodgate against morality. Which goes to show 
that all fundamentalists have something in common, I suppose.

It is a trifle puzzling that it should come from as liberal a party 
as the Congress that has always stood for reformation and welcomed 
change through progressive movements. Maybe homosexuals do not form 
a constituency who can vote and insist on their rights being 
defended on consensual relations in private between two adults. This 
profoundly disturbing repetition of an old argument has to be 
brought to a logical end.

Maybe the World Health Organisation (WHO), which has removed 
homosexuality from its list of "mental disorders", can impress upon 
the Government the following argument which is now a "guideline" in 
the Health Ministry's budgetary books to every State Health 
Ministry: Each of the "core populations", that have been mentioned 
as very seriously "infected and affected by HIV" — IVDU, sex workers 
and MSM — are criminal in the eyes of the law in India.

The Narcotics and Psychotropic Drug Control Act criminalise the 
IVDUs, the Prevention of Immoral Traffics Act criminalises Sex 
Workers and Section 377 of the IPC criminalises MSM. So how does the 
Indian Health Ministry expect any organization to work with these 
groups? Even doctors treating them can be arrested for becoming 
accessories to the crime for abetment. In other words, HIV 
prevention programs in India can go for a six if these laws were 
ever to be imposed in letter and spirit. A program that however 
haphazardly it has been executed, prevented millions of new 
infections and deaths?

And does that mean, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered 
communities in India want Section 377 thrown out of the window. In 
fact, so civic minded are we that we want stricter laws against rape 
of women — and men. Children too need to be brought under separate 
laws for molestation of minors.  Presently, Section 377 is applied 
rather crudely for molestation of minors. Also sexual abuse of men 
or women also implicates the victims too. A whole slew of laws have 
to be created whereas rape now can be only proved by penetration. 
The disgusting verbal and physical abuse of women in public spaces 
goes under the mild term, "eve teasing", when it should be punished 
under rape laws. But obviously, this is not public morality!

Are we to then conclude that the Indian government will stop its HIV 
prevention program? Or can we now be a bit serious and have some 
structural changes in these archaic acts to give these populations a 
little air to breathe the fresh air of freedom? The choice is not 
for the government — because we intend to fight to the end for the 
right to be ourselves! There is little choice in this matter 
anymore. The very Constitution of India gives me that right to be 
what I am; even if I am termed as a public nuisance.

In fact, neither the judiciary nor the government has any choice in the matter. 
Looking around it is obvious that the only countries and nation states that 
have any kind of anti-sodomy laws are outright dictatorships or theocracies. 
Even China seems to be relaxing its laws against homosexual relations in 
private. Along with Iran,Saudi Arabia and Mugabe’s Zambia, India possibly 
shares its anti-sodomy with very few countries now sitting in the United 

Besides, we Indian homosexuals are organising and very much present within your 
midst. We’re in your face and we are ready for India! Even if India is not 
ready for us.

(The writer is the chairperson, Humsafar Trust, and a well-known gay 
rights activist)

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