July 25, 2012
On Gay Marriage, Europe Strains to Square 27 Interests

CASTEL MAGGIORE, Italy — When 1-year-old Kirsi Bestetti tripped and cut her lip 
at her grandparents’ house last summer, her mother Elisa Bestetti rushed her to 
the emergency room, panicky about all the blood. 

Once there, she also worried whether the hospital staff would accept her as 
Kirsi’s mother. 

Ms. Bestetti is Italian, but towheaded Kirsi is Finnish like her birth mother, 
Emmi Pihlajaniemi. The two women have been married in all but name for five 
years at home in Finland, and each has given birth to a daughter who has been 
legally adopted in Finland by the other partner. 

But Italy does not allow a child to have two mothers. Same-sex couples in Italy 
are not allowed to marry, to register partnerships, to adopt a child or benefit 
from assisted reproduction. Within the European Union, such family law issues 
remain the jealously guarded domain of the 27 individual countries, each with 
its own history, culture and legal tradition. 

On the intertwined Continent, which prides itself on its open borders and a 
single market — as well as on being a trailblazer in banning discrimination 
based on sexual orientation, even electing openly gay politicians to high 
office — the resulting differences are more than symbolic. Increasingly they 
are leading to practical difficulties in all kinds of areas, like taxes, 
parental rights and inheritances, as people move around for work, love or just 

“It’s a bit like baking a cake and then not wanting anybody to eat it,” said 
Michael Cashman, a gay-rights advocate and longtime member of the European 
Parliament from Britain. “But if you believe in freedom of movement — ‘Europe 
without borders’ — this is what we have to address: the inequalities that 
people face purely because of someone’s opinion.” In Kirsi’s case, the hospital 
ended up treating her, and the split lip was not serious. A year later there is 
not even a scar. But concerns linger over the family’s legal status when they 
venture outside of Finland. 

“I don’t know if I would travel alone with Kirsi,” said Ms. Bestetti, who 
recounted the tale as Kirsi fidgeted on her other mother’s lap in a shady spot 
by the barn on the Bestetti family farm, just outside Bologna, Italy. “The 
Finnish state recognizes that I’m her parent, but here I’m nothing.” 

The situation regarding marriage is similar in some ways to the hodgepodge of 
state laws in the United States. A significant difference, however, is the 1996 
Defense of Marriage Act, which prevents the federal government from recognizing 
gay marriage and exempts states without gay marriage from having to recognize 
those performed in the few states that allow it. (In its next term, the Supreme 
Court is expected to hear a constitutional challenge to the part of the law 
requiring the federal government to deny benefits to same-sex married couples.) 

In Europe, a handful of cases challenging cross-border obstacles have risen to 
European-level courts, but the resulting decisions have been limited in scope. 
Court observers say the judges, drawn from each member state, are keenly aware 
of the lack of consensus. 

The European Commission, the guardian of European Union treaties, has been 
working on ways to make life easier for people who move across borders. 

But although for two years it has been studying ways to facilitate the free 
circulation of civil status documents, including birth, death and marriage 
certificates, the proposal is still awaiting action. And when it goes forward 
later this year, the plan may not cover marriage. “For now, I think it is 
important to take one step at a time,” Viviane Reding, the European justice 
commissioner, said in an e-mailed response to questions. 

Opponents of gay marriage argue that any attempt in Brussels to require 
countries to recognize same-sex marriage certificates issued in another member 
state would, in effect, require them to introduce gay marriage whether they 
wanted to or not. 

“A general application of the rule of mutual recognition of civil status 
documents will result in a situation where the political and social choices of 
some member states would be imposed on all the others,” CARE for Europe, a 
Christian lobby group, argued in its submission to the commission, echoing 
numerous opponents. 

So for now, gay couples and families are fighting their own battles — often at 
considerable expense. 

Brad Brubaker, an Ohio native, met his British partner, Paul Feakes, in 
California in 1995. Mr. Brubaker moved to London and eventually acquired 
British citizenship. They entered a civil partnership, identical in all but 
name to marriage. Three years ago they moved to Italy and decided to open an 
art gallery in the Tuscan seaside town of Pietrasanta. 

Italy did not recognize their partnership. In contrast to the normal treatment 
for married couples working together, they were forced to register the gallery 
in Mr. Brubaker’s name alone, while Mr. Feakes had to be listed as an employee 
— with a contract and payroll and all the costly extra paperwork that entailed. 

“That’s when we realized the discrimination of it,” Mr. Brubaker said. “People 
think Europe is so far ahead, and I guess in some ways it is. But it’s not 
quite there yet.” 

Mr. Brubaker and Mr. Feakes decided not to go to court. Others have, with mixed 

Tomasz Szypula, 32, who is a native of Poland, a European Union member, met his 
Spanish partner, José Antonio, in 2002 while studying in Krakow, Poland. They 
later moved to Warsaw and bought an apartment together. In 2010, five years 
after Spain legalized gay marriage, they decided to go to Mr. Antonio’s 
hometown near Alicante and marry. 

“Marriage, I think, is a kind of affirmation — you tell each other we are 
together in good health and bad,” Mr. Szypula said. “And it’s something that 
you do for other people, like your family, friends and neighbors.” 

But two years later, they are still single. The Polish authorities, seeing a 
man’s name on Mr. Szypula’s paperwork as his future spouse, refused to issue 
the necessary legal document confirming that he was eligible to be married. 

The Polish Constitution, adopted in 1997, defines marriage as a union of a man 
and a woman, and Polish officials have argued that is an “essential condition” 
for issuing the certificates. So far, the Polish courts have agreed; a decision 
on the couple’s appeal is due this fall. 

“It’s not just a legal case; it’s also a hot political issue here,” Mr. Szypula 
said. “The judges, they do what they can to take it slow.” 

Arguing that the situation in Poland was incompatible with respect for private 
and family life, the European Commission intervened last year and won a promise 
from the Polish authorities to change the policy. So far, they have not. 

The commission says it intends to follow up, but Ms. Reding stressed in the 
e-mail interview that Brussels “does not have the power — neither do we want 
it” to fundamentally change European family law. 

With the exception of Italy and Malta, where the Vatican’s influence is strong, 
and Greece and Cyprus, the divisions in the European Union are mostly between 
the more liberal West and the more conservative, formerly Communist-ruled East, 
said Robert Wintemute, a professor of human rights law at King’s College 
London. “In the U.S., when you look at the map, you have the Northeast and the 
West Coast where there’s the most progress, and then the South is the big empty 
space,” he said. “In Europe, it’s the West-East divide.” 

Denmark, which introduced registered partnerships in 1989, became, in June, the 
latest European Union member to make its marriage laws “gender neutral,” 
joining the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Sweden and Portugal. Ten other of the 
bloc’s countries allow some form of registered partnership or civil union. Of 
those, France, which has a new Socialist government, announced in July its 
intention to move to full marriage and adoption rights next year. Britain, 
Luxembourg and Finland are talking about following suit. 

That leaves 11 members of the European Union that do not recognize gay marriage 
or registered partnerships. Poland, Latvia and Bulgaria have constitutional 

The debate can be heated. In Italy, an assembly of the main center-left 
Democratic Party ended in disarray this month when the president, Rosy Bindi, 
refused to allow a vote on a proposal to back same-sex marriage, which she 
called unconstitutional. Last week, Pier Ferdinando Casini, the head of a 
Catholic centrist party, called gay marriage “a profoundly uncivil idea — a 
violence of nature against nature.” 

Given the lack of legal security, Ms. Bestetti said she preferred living in 
Helsinki, where life with Kirsi and her 4-year-old sister, Irma, is more 
normal. But she and Ms. Pihlajaniemi visit the small farm here in Castel 
Maggiore a couple of times a year to see family and friends. They are expecting 
their third child, a boy, in mid-August, and are looking for a name that will 
work in both Finnish and Italian. 

Still, they worry how they will explain to their children that they have two 
parents in one country and only one parent in another, or why some of the older 
Italian relatives still refer to Ms. Pihlajaniemi as the girls’ “aunt.” 

“I don’t know what they’re going to think,” Ms. Pihlajaniemi said. “For the 
children, it’s really an absurd situation.” 


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