Put gay marriage to public vote, says cardinal Keith O’Brien 

Published on Sunday 15 July 2012 22:06 

THE head of Scotland’s Catholic Church has ­demanded a referendum on same-sex 
marriage in a last-minute intervention on the eve of a final decision on the 
issue by ministers. 

Cardinal Keith O’Brien says a referendum was “crucially important” because of 
“intense public interest” in plans to make Scotland the first part of the UK to 
recognise homosexual ­weddings.
The proposal to legalise gay marriage resulted in the biggest response to any 
Scottish Government consultation and ignited a debate between gay rights 
supporters and the Catholic Church.
The cardinal, writing in today’s Scotsman, says politicians have failed to 
grasp the “dangers” of the changes being ­proposed.
He writes: “The concern for those who demand equality cannot allow us to 
consign to history our understanding of the basic goods of human society”.
The challenge was issued ahead of a crunch meeting of the SNP cabinet tomorrow 
to decide whether to introduce a bill in favour of same sex marriage to the 
Scottish Parliament.
Cardinal O’Brien suggested that a referendum on same-sex marriage was as 
legitimate as the 2014 vote on Scottish independence, as he issued the 
statement pitched directly to ministers attending the meeting. He highlighted 
the fact that the same-sex marriage consultation received almost 80,000 
responses – three times more than the SNP’s government’s consultation on the 
independence referendum.
He said: “There has been much debate in Scotland about the referendum on 
independence. The proposed referendum is crucially important.
“Clearly, if it is sensible to hold a referendum on independence, it is crucial 
that we have one on marriage. It is the only way the country can move forward 
on this issue.
“Let all those who have a view on this subject place their trust in the 
Scottish people and let Scotland decide.”
At the start of the consultation, which closed in December, the Scottish 
Government said it “tends towards the view” that same-sex marriage should be 
introduced, although faith groups and their celebrants should not be obliged to 
solemnise the ­ceremonies.
It is expected to announce its plans for the legislation this week. Alex 
Salmond, who has indicated his personal backing for same-sex marriage, could 
face unrest within his own party if the Scottish Government changes its stance 
due to a significant number of high-profile SNP MSPs publicly supporting a 
shake-up of Scotland’s marriage laws.
The Equality Network, which has led the campaign for a change in the law, 
suggested that the cardinal’s demand was a wrecking tactic and called on the 
government to “stick by its principles” and support same-sex marriage.
Leading figures in the Yes to independence campaign such as Independent MSP 
Margo MacDonald and Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) leader Colin Fox called on 
SNP ministers not to abandon their support for the move at tomorrow’s cabinet 
Tom French, policy coordinator for the Equality Network, said; “We urge the 
Scottish Government to stand firm, stick by its principles and make the right 
decision. With cross-party support in parliament, and majority support amongst 
the public, it is now time for the Scottish Government to back equality and 
bring forward equal marriage legislation without delay. It is the right thing 
to do, and now is the right time to do it.”

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