Mick and Paddy were fishing on the Irish shoreline when Mick pulled
out a
cigar. Finding he had no matches, he asked Paddy for a

'Ya, sure, I tink I haff a lighter,' Paddy replied and then
reaching into
his tackle box, he pulled out a Bic lighter 10 inches

'Saints be te Jesus' exclaimed Mick, taking the huge Bic lighter in
hands. 'Where'd yew git dat monster?'

'Well,' replied Paddy, 'I
got it from my Genie.'

'You haff a feckin Genie?' Mick asked.

sure. It's right here in my tackle box,' says Paddy.

'Could I see

Paddy opens his tackle box and sure enough, out pops the

Addressing the Genie, Mick says, 'Hey dere. I'm a good pal of
your master.
Will you grant me one wish?'
'Yes, I will,' says the

So Mick asks the Genie for a million bucks. The Genie disappears
back into
the tackle box leaving Mick sitting there waiting for his million

Shortly, the Irish sky darkens and is filled with the sound of a
ducks flying directly overhead.

Over the roar of the one
million ducks Mick yells at Paddy, 'What the hell?
I asked for a million
bucks, not a million ducks'

Paddy answers, 'Ya, I forgot to tell yew dat
da Genie is hard of hearing. Do
yew really tink I asked for a 10 inch Bic?'  

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