What it means to be gay?



Well the dictionary meaning of the word "gay" is something that is light-hearted,cheerful, showy,vibrant...offlate there seems to be just one meaning of the word that is understood

by people, yes....HOMOSEXUAL.Ever wondered as to why would homosexuals, moreover

MALE homosexuals being reffered to as gay? Come on queens....Arent we Cheerful ,Merry

Jazzy,showy....?I take great pleasure to refer my queens as gay because we are so full of life

maybe because we have understood life better...


We are endowed with a unique blending of a mans body and a womans heart....I always wonder

are all of us effeminate? Well the term effeminate can be used not for a particular person but to ones gesture.

We love Men! so theres no abiguity that we feel like women, but the manifestation of the innate feminism

would differ from individual to individual.Some of us exhibit feminine looks,some have girlish tastes,some

show feminism in the way they talk or walk.So what I want to conclude is that one should get off the biased

view that I hate effeminate guys....I think a persons inner-self and his attitude matter more than his looks or attire.....

I hate God for one thing he gave us the heart of a woman,a sensitive mind, charismatic looks but he did not

confer us the power to give birth to a life.I think most of the queens would have loved to have their own kids,isnt it?Well atlleast I would have loved to have my own baby...Initially I used to crib a lot as to why

am I the only one? It was ofcourse before I came out and met so many charming queens....Now I look at it this way" I am the chosen one by God.He has created diverse forms of life...and I am greatly honored by being one of the special variety God has created..." Ha ha...and we all should be proud of it.


Talking about GAY organisations I think it is imperative to have a organised system for the gay fraternity.....

...to flourish and stand united to fight all the social oppression.This is a kind of an appeal to all my gay fellows to come out of the closet and open into the gay world.We have a wonderful organisation like GAY BOMBAY....It is not necessary to attend each and every event or parties.But we have the previlege to make good use of the services offered by the group.

It is essential for our parents and siblings to know what we are....Because we owe them an explanation one has to decide the right time to hit and come out.What happens after that is an million dollar question...some will accept some wont....

Thus I feel theres some sort of a DOMAIN into which we all fit.Infact all of us fall into some domain based upon the sex,sexuality,class,relegion etc.and because we have some norms acting in these domains,they are the forces which help us flourish in that particular environment! One feels warm, protected and at peace in his domain....

Finally I conclude that being Gay is an arduous task....We have to fight in all the arenas of life .....for our partner,parents,siblings and relatives...the most difficult"SOCIETY" ,careers,"OLDAGE", disease and pain...

But I think God is kind enough to make us strong enough not to succumb to any of these hurdles and stand proudly against all odds....for WE are his CHOSEN ONES......

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