Life-Changing Questions
Start making and not breaking your inner resolutions. Uncover the qualities you need to develop, such as courage, taking risks and setting boundaries. Complete the following workbook questions from Cheryl Richardson, and reflect on your answers periodically—exploring your beliefs about yourself and your attitude will change your life!
What do I really want for my life? When you consider this question, what comes to mind first? List everything that occurs to you.
What should I want? As you look over your answer to question #1, notice how many of the answers are based on what you're supposed to want. Notice and write down all that occurs to you.
Are my desires really my desires, or are they meant to please someone else? Review what you've written so far and notice how much of what you want is really for others.
What really matters to me at this time in my life?
What needs my attention?
What am I afraid of?
What am I afraid of losing?
What am I afraid of gaining?

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