My name is Cale McCollough and I'm the author of the Fastest Method to
Print Integers and Floating-point Numbers, the Puff algorithm, that
eliminates over half of the division instructions from the
industry-standard mod 100 div 100 technique, saving hundreds to thousands
of clock cycles and eliminating one division instruction from Grisu2, the
world's fastest floating-point-to-string algoihrm. The article can be found

The other Visual-C++ optimization I have for the community is the Fastest
Method to Align Pointers, which uses only 3 instructions plus loading the
mask. I have verified is faster than Microsoft and GCC implementation. The
article can be found at:

Also, I have invested all of my time and labor into these open-source
technologies, have worked for years without pay, and I am looking for a
cool job that can facilitate my MongoDB/BJSON competitor called the ASCII
Abstract Data Specification, Chinese Room Abstract Stack Machine (Crabs),
SCRIPT Protocol, and Script2. Thanks.

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